A Better Bowstring Part 2 – Yukti

Previously, we saw the nihatya series for jyā and śara and how that enables a very accurate estimate of those functions for any arc, accurate to the fourths. We also saw how this led to the partially precomputed vidvān series as well as the table of पठितज्या accurate to thirds – श्रेष्ठं नाम वरिष्ठानाम् etc.
The jyā series is

निहत्य चापवर्गेण चापं तत्तत्फलानि च । 
हरेत् समूलयुग्वर्गैस्त्रिज्यावर्गाहतैः क्रमात् ॥
चापं फलानि चाधोऽधो न्यस्योपर्युपरित्यजेत् ।
जीवापत्यै संग्रहोऽस्यैव विद्वान् इत्यदिना कृतः ॥

jyā(s) = s – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)} + s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)} – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(6^2+6)} …

which corresponds to the modern series

sin(\theta) = {\theta} – \frac{\theta^3}{3!} + \frac{\theta^5}{5!} …

How was this derived? Thankfully, Yuktibhāṣā comes to our aid again, and gives us a very detailed derivation

इष्टचापः – Pick and arc, any arc

As is usual with Indian convention, we pick the first quadrant of the standard circle, with East at the top, and North at the left of our figure. Any arc EC is chosen that falls within the quadrant, and we wish to find an saṅkalita for jyā. We chose points \(C_1, C_2, … C_{n-1}\) so that they divide EC into n equal parts, where n is very large. The midpoints of arcs \(C_1C_2, C_2C_3, C_3C_4, …\) are \(M_1, M_2, M_3 …\) respectively. For convenience, only the arc segments \(C_{j-1}C_j\) and \(C_jC_{j+1}\) are shown. The length of each of the arc segments is denoted as \(\alpha\).

Consider the arc segment \(EC_{j+1}\). Since it is the (j+1)th segment, its jyā, koṭijyā, and śara are denoted \(B_{j+1}, K_{j+1}, S_{j+1}\) respectively. Similarly, the jyā, koṭijyā, and śara of arc segment \(EM_{j+1}\) are called \(B_{j+\frac{1}{2}}, K_{j+\frac{1}{2}}, S_{j+\frac{1}{2}}\) respectively.

The differential jyā (खण्डज्या)

The difference \(B_{j+1} – B_j = C_{j+1}P_{j+1} – C_jP_j\) is the differential jyā, or खण्डज्या. We can compute this by noting the similarity of triangles \(C_{j+1}FC_j\) and \(OM_{j+1}Q_{j+1}\) by the perpendicular sides rule, earlier seen in the yukti of व्यासे वारिधिनिहते. That allows us to use the the rule of three (त्रैराशिकम्)‌ to link the differential jyā and koṭijyā/śara with the midpoint koṭijyā and jyā respectively. Taking the karṇas (hypotenuses) \(OM_{j+1} = R\) and \(C_{j+1}C_j = \alpha \) as the pramāṇa and iccā respectively, we get:

B_{j+1} – B_j &= C_{j+1}F \\
&= \frac{\alpha}{R}. {OQ_{j+1}} \\
&= \frac{\alpha}{R}.K_{j+\frac{1}{2} }\\
K_j – K_{j+1} &= S_{j+1} – S_j = C_jF \\
&= \frac{\alpha}{R}. {M_{j+1}Q_{j+1}} \\
&= \frac{\alpha}{R}.B_{j+\frac{1}{2}}

Thus, the differential jyā at an arc segment is the midpoint koṭijyā of the arc segment multiplied by the length of the arc segment divided by the radius (and vice versa, but with a negative sign). Thus is the first step in the yukti, and the first time we see the differential/derivative analog turning up. By similar arguments, we can also prove that

B_{j+\frac{1}{2}} – B_{j-\frac{1}{2}} &= \frac{\alpha}{R}.K_j \\
K_{j-\frac{1}{2}} – K_{j+\frac{1}{2}} &= S_{j+\frac{1}{2}} – S_{j-\frac{1}{2}} \\
&= \frac{\alpha}{R}.B_j

That is to say, the differentials at the midpoint are related the same way to the koṭijyā/jyā at the ends of the arc segments.

Since the number n is large, and the arc segments are very small (अणुपरिमित); in modern notation, we can say \(\frac{\alpha}{R} = d \theta \), and the relations become equivalent to:

\frac{d sin \theta}{d \theta} = cos \theta \\
\frac{d cos \theta}{d \theta} = -sin \theta \\

Second differentials (खण्डज्यान्तरम्)

The second differentials of jyā, or खण्डज्यान्तरम् can be computed using the relations in the previous section as:

(B_{j} – B_{j-1}) – (B_{j+1} – B_j) &= \frac{\alpha}{R}.{K_{j-\frac{1}{2}}-K_{j+\frac{1}{2}}} \\
&= (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_j \\
(S_{j+1} – S_{j}) – (S_{j} – S_{j-1}) &= (K_{j} – K_{j+1}) – (K_{j-1} – K_{j}) \\
&= \frac{\alpha}{R}.{B_{j+\frac{1}{2}}-B_{j-\frac{1}{2}}} \\
&= (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. K_j \\

Note the implicit negative signs in both equations, appearing in two different ways.

Setting up recurrences

We can use the differentials to set up recurrence relations, which will then enable us to write out the full sankalita.

First, we sum up the first differentials of śaras at arc segment midpoints to get
(S_{\frac{3}{2}} – S_{\frac{1}{2}}) + (S_{\frac{5}{2}} – S_{\frac{3}{2}}) + … + (S_{n-\frac{1}{2}} – S_{n-\frac{3}{2}}) & = S_{n-\frac{1}{2}} – S_{\frac{1}{2}} \\
& = \frac{\alpha}{R}. (B_1 + B_2 + … B_{n-1})

Next, we sum up second differentials of jyā to each intermediate point to get
(B_2 – B_1) – (B_1-0) &= -(\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_1 \\
B_2 &= 2.B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_1 \\
(B_3 – B_2) – (B_2 – B_1) &= -(\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_2 \\
B_3 &= 2B_2 – B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_2 \\
&= 3.B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. (B_2 + 2 B_1) \\
(B_4- B_3) – (B_3 – B_2) &= -(\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_3 \\
B_4 &= 2B_3 – B_2 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. B_3 \\
&= 3.B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. (B_3 + 2.B_2 + 3.B_1) \\
… \\
B_n &= n.B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. (B_{n-1} + 2.B_{n-2} + …(n-2).B_3 + (n-1).B_2 + n.B_1) \\

Yukti 1 – Approximations by substitution

Yuktibhāṣā provides us two proofs, one employing both recurrences, and one employing only one. We start with the latter.

First, we note that \(n.B_1 = s\) and \(\alpha = \frac{s}{n}\) at the large n limit.

B_n &= n.B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. (B_{n-1} + 2.B_{n-2} + …(n-2).B_3 + (n-1).B_2 + n.B_1) \\
&\approx s – (\frac{s}{n.R})^2. (B_{n-1} + 2.B_{n-2} + …(n-2).B_3 + (n-1).B_2 + n.B_1) \\

Our first approximation for jyā sets it equal to the corresponding arc – \( B_j \approx \frac{j.s}{n}\). Substituting this back into the recurrence, and noting that we get a dvitiya-sankalita, which leads us to the second approximation:
B &\approx s – (\frac{s}{n.R})^2 (B_{n-1} + 2.B_{n-2} + …(n-2).B_3 + (n-1).B_2 + n.B_1) \\
&\approx s – \frac{1}{R^2}.(\frac{s}{n})^3.SS^{(2)}_{n} \\
&\approx s – \frac{1}{R^2}.\frac{s^3}{1.2.3}

Now this leads to a better approximation \( B_j \approx \frac{j.s}{n} – \frac{1}{R^2}.\frac{(j.s)^3}{n^}\). Substituting this into the recurrence, and using the triangle law of sankalitas gets us to the next approximation:

B &\approx s – \frac{1}{R^2}.\frac{s^3}{1.2.3} + \frac{1}{R^4}.\frac{s^5}{} \\
B_j &\approx \frac{j.s}{n} – \frac{1}{R^2}.\frac{(\frac{j.s}{n})^3}{1.2.3} + \frac{1}{R^4}.\frac{(\frac{j.s}{n})^5}{} \\

and so on, for ever, resulting in:

B &\approx s – \frac{1}{R^2}.\frac{s^3}{1.2.3} + \frac{1}{R^4}.\frac{s^5}{} – \frac{1}{R^6}.\frac{s^7}{} … \\
&= s – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)} + s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)} – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(6^2+6)} …

Yukti 2 – Bidirectional substitution

To start with, we note that

S_{n-\frac{1}{2}} – S_{\frac{1}{2}} & = \frac{\alpha}{R}. (B_1 + B_2 + … B_{n-1}) \\
S_n &\approx \frac{\alpha}{R}. (B_1 + B_2 + … B_{n-1})

This is a legitimate approximation for large n, as \(S_n\) will turn out to be quadratic, and hence \(S_n \approx S_{n-\frac{1}{2}}\) and \(S_{\frac{1}{2}} \approx 0\) are fine.

Substituting the recurrence for \(S_n, S_{n-1}\) etc. into the recurrence for B,

B_n &= n.B_1 – (\frac{\alpha}{R})^2. (B_{n-1} + 2.B_{n-2} + …(n-2).B_3 + (n-1).B_2 + n.B_1) \\
&\approx n.B_1 – \frac{\alpha}{R}. (S_n + S_{n-1} + ….+ S_1)

Now, we start by noting that \(n.B_1 = s\) and \(\alpha = \frac{s}{n}\). Our intent is to approximate B, compute S using the recurrence, and obtain a better approximation for B by substituting the obtained S back into the recurrence for B. This will lead to a series of improving approximations. We start with the simplest approximation for \(B_j \approx \frac{j.s}{n}\) . By substituting into the recurrence for S, we get an improved estimate for \(B_j\)

S_n &\approx \frac{s}{n.R}. (B_1 + B_2 + … B_{n-1}) \\
&\approx \frac{1}{R}.(\frac{s}{n})^2(1+2 + … n-1) \\
&\approx \frac{1}{R}.(\frac{s}{n})^2.\frac{n^2}{2} \\
&\approx \frac{1}{R}.\frac{s^2}{2} \\
B_n &\approx s – \frac{s}{n.R}.\frac{1}{R}.(\frac{s}{n})^2(1^2+2^2 + … (n-1)^2) \\
&\approx s – \frac{1}{R^2} \frac{s^3}{3!} \\

Repeated substitutions of the result of one recurrence into the other lead us to the infinite series:

B &\approx s – \frac{1}{R^2}.\frac{s^3}{1.2.3} + \frac{1}{R^4}.\frac{s^5}{} – \frac{1}{R^6}.\frac{s^7}{} … \\
&= s – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)} + s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)} – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(6^2+6)} … \\
S &\approx \frac{1}{R}.\frac{s^2}{1.2} – \frac{1}{R^3}.\frac{s^4}{} + \frac{1}{R^5}.\frac{s^6}{} … \\
&\approx \frac{s^2}{2R} – \frac{s^2}{2R}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2-4)} + \frac{s^2}{2R}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2-4)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(6^2-6)} …

Which gives us both the निहत्य चापवर्गेण relations.

These are quite intricate proofs, and are quite rigorous as well. Approximations that are made turn out to be quite legitimate in the limit of large n, which indicates that the Kerala School worked well with small and large n limits. Another point of note here is the introduction of first and second differentials. Sankalitas being the Kerala analogue of integrals, these differentials play the role of derivatives.

A Better Bowstring: The Mādhava Jyā Series

What's better than an improved jyā table and an improved method for interpolation? A full jyā series that lets you compute jyā of any arc, to any degree of precision you wish.

निहत्य चापवर्गेण चापं तत्तत्फलानि च । 
हरेत् समूलयुग्वर्गैस्त्रिज्यावर्गाहतैः क्रमात् ॥
चापं फलानि चाधोऽधो न्यस्योपर्युपरित्यजेत् ।
जीवापत्यै संग्रहोऽस्यैव विद्वान् इत्यदिना कृतः ॥

Multiply the arc by the square of the arc. Multiply successive results by the square of the arc again, and divide by the square of the radius (trjyā) multiplied by sum of successive odd numbers and their squares. Set the arc and the other terms up in a vertical line, and subtract the last from the next, and the result from the next higher, and so on, to get the jīva (jyā). The same can be done by the phrases vidvān and so on.


jyā(s) = s – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)} + s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)} – s.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(2^2+2)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2+4)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(6^2+6)} …

निहत्य चापवर्गेण रूपं तत्तत्फलानि च ।
हरेद्विमूलयुग्वर्गैस्त्रिज्यावर्गाहतैः क्रमात् ॥
किन्नु व्यासदलेनैव द्विघ्नेनाद्यं विभज्यताम् ।
फलान्यधोऽधः क्रमशो न्यस्योपर्युपरित्यजेत्
शरापत्यै संग्रहोऽस्यैव स्तेनस्त्रीत्यादिना कृतः ॥

Multiply one by the square of the arc. Multiply successive results by the square of the arc again, and divide by the square of the radius (trjyā) multiplied by difference of successive odd numbers from their squares. Let the divisor of the first term be twice the radius. Set the terms up in a vertical line, and subtract the last from the next, and the result from the next higher, and so on, to get the śara. The same can be done by the phrases stenastrī and so on.

śara(s) = \frac{s^2}{2R} – \frac{s^2}{2R}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2-4)} + \frac{s^2}{2R}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(4^2-4)}.\frac{s^2}{R^2.(6^2-6)} …

Since \( jyā(s) = R.sin(\frac{s}{R})\), and \(n.(n+1) = n^2+n=(n+1)^2-(n+1)\) these two series can be seen to be equivalent to the modern series:
sin(\theta) = {\theta} – \frac{\theta^3}{3!} + \frac{\theta^5}{5!} … \\
vers(\theta) = \frac{\theta^2 }{2!} – \frac{\theta^4}{4!} + \frac{\theta^6}{6!} …

These series yield jyā or śara of any arc, correct to thirds of arc, as we will soon see.

Vidvān – Partly Precomputed Series

Having derived these series, we ask, how many terms do we need to compute? We could go as far as we need to to get the accuracy we need. Mādhava has made things even easier for us by giving us a partially pre-computed series that is accurate to the thirds of arc.

विद्वान्स्तुन्नबलः कवीशनिचयः सर्वार्थशीलस्थिरो ।
निर्विद्धाङ्गनरेन्द्ररुङ् निगदितेष्वेषु क्रमात् पञ्चसु ॥
आधस्त्यात् गुणितादभीष्टधनुषः कृत्या विहृत्यान्तिम-
स्याप्तं शोध्यमुपर्युपर्यथ घनेनैवं धनुष्यन्ततः ॥
The phrases vidvān (44″), tunnabala (33″06”'), kavīśanicaya (16'05”41”'), sarvārthaśīlasthiro (273'57”47”') nirviddhāṅganarendraruṅ (2220'39”40”') are successive multipliers, placed in reverse order, successively multiplied by the square of the arc divided by the square of a quarter-circle, and subtracted from the next, finally multiplied by the cube of the desired arc divided by the cube of a quarter circle, then subtracted from the desired arc.

jyā(s) = s – \frac{s^3}{5400^3}.(2220'39”40”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(273'57”47”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(16'05”41”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(33″06”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.44”'))))

We also have the convenient encodings नानाज्ञानतपोधरः for \(5400^2 = 29160000\) and अज्ञाननुन्ने नवतत्त्वसंशयः for \(5400^3 = 157464000000\)

Similarly for śara:
मीनाङ्गो नरसिंह ऊनधनकृद्भूरेव षट्स्वेषु तु ।
आधस्त्यात् गुणितादभीष्टधनुषः कृत्या विहृत्यान्तिम-
स्याप्तं शोध्यमुपर्युपर्यथ फलं स्यादुत्क्रमज्यान्त्यजम् ॥

śara(s) = \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(4241'09”0”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(872'03”05”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(71'43”24”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(3'09”37”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.(5″12”' – \frac{s^2}{5400^2}.6”')))))

Where do we get these coefficients from? It can be seen that these are derived from computing the Mādhava series for an arc of 5400′ (and hence the division by 5400′ in the formula, by त्रैराशिकम् )

The Mādhava Jyā Table

For those un-inclined to compute the series for arbitrary arcs, worry not – the Mādhava jyā table – understood to have been computed using the vidvān method – exists. Similar to the Āryabhaṭa table, Mādhava jyā table is a verse-encoded table of jyās at the standard 24 points, accurate to the thirds, ie: 3600 times more accurate than Āryabhaṭa. This can be used with the इष्टदोःकोटिधनुषोः method of interpolation to obtain intermediate values.

1श्रेष्ठं नाम वरिष्ठानां224,50,22,0224,50,21,49
3तपनो भानु सूक्तज्ञो670,40,16,0670,40,16,2
4मध्यमं विद्धि दोहनं889,45,15,0889,45,15,36
5धिगाज्योनाशनं कष्टं1105,1,39,01105,1,38,56
6छन्नभोगा शयाम्बिका1315,34,7,01315,34,7,26
7मृगाहारो नरेशोयं1520,28,35,01520,28,35,27
8वीरो रणजयोत्सुकः1718,52,24,01718,52,24,11
9मूलं विशुद्धं नाळस्य1909,54,35,01909,54,35,11
10गानेषु विरळा नराः2092,46,3,02092,46,3,29
11अशुद्धिगुप्ता चोरश्रीः2266,39,50,02266,39,50,12
12शङ्कुकर्णो नगेश्वरः2430,51,15,02430,51,14,35
13तनुजो गर्भजो मित्रं2584,38,6,02584,38,5,31
14श्रीमानत्र सुखी सखे2727,20,52,02727,20,52,22
15शशी रात्रौ हिमाहारौ2858,22,55,02858,22,55,6
16वेगज्ञः पथि सिन्धुरः2977,10,34,02977,10,33,43
17छायालयो गजो नीलो3083,13,17,03083,13,16,56
18निर्मलो नास्ति सत्कुले3176,3,50,03176,3,49,57
19रात्रौ दर्पणमभ्राङ्गं3255,18,22,03255,18,21,34
20नागस्तुङ्गनखो बली3320,36,30,03320,36,30,12
21धीरो युवा कथालोलः3371,41,29,03371,41,29,8
22पूज्यो नारीजनैर्भगः3408,20,11,03408,20,10,56
23कन्यागारे नागवल्ली3430,23,11,03430,23,10,38
24देवो विश्वस्थली भृगुः3437,44,48,03437,44,48,22
The Mādhava Jyā Table

A minor point to note is the use of ळ encoding to 9 in a couple of lines.

Why Three Methods?

Comparing निहत्य चापवर्गेण with the famous व्यासे वारिधिनिहते series, we see that it is tougher to calculate through, and therefore could not have been expected to be used by someone with basic ability. It must be presumed that Mādhava and his followers left multiple options available for those with varying skills in computation.

Yukti for the Mādhava Jyā Series

As usual, we have detailed derivations of these available from Yuktibhāṣā, but we will leave that for the next article. As with the series itself, these proofs are involved, and require a bit of diligence.

Fun with Sankalitas – Part 2

Previously, we saw the मूलसङ्कलितम् \( S_n = 1+2+…n=\frac{n.(n+1)}{2} \) and also noted that as n becomes large, \(S_n \approx \frac{n^2}{2}\). We also saw the समघातसङ्कलितानि, sums of higher powers, including the sum of squares – वर्गसङ्कलितम्, and sum of cubes – घनसङ्कलितम्. We noted that in the limit of large n, the kth power sankalita tends to:

S_n^{(k)} \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1}

We also saw सङ्कलितसङ्कलितम्, the second order sankalita which is the sum of first order sankalitas \(
SS^{(2)}_n = S_n + S_{n-1} + …. + 1
\), and also other higher order sankalitas.

Summary of results

For large n, Yuktibhāṣā proves the following results for सङ्कलितानि:

S_n &= 1+2+3+…+n \\
&\approx \frac{n^2}{2} \\
S^{(2)}_n &= 1^2+2^2+3^2+…n^2 \\
&\approx \frac{n^3}{3} \\
… \\
S^{(k)}_n &= 1^k+2^k+3^k+…n^k \\
&\approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1} \

and also for सङ्कलितसङ्कलितानि:‌

\( \begin{align*}
SS^{(2)}_n &\approx \frac{n^3}{6}\\
SS^{(3)}_n &\approx \frac{n^4}{24}\\
SS^{(k)}_n &\approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{(k+1)!}\
\end{align*} \)

The Triangle Law of Sankalitas

To help us with the proof of Madhava's sankalita for jyā, we will note an interesting, but simple result for sankalitas, which I have taken the liberty of calling the Triangle Law

\begin{align*} SS^{(k)}_n &= SS^{(k-1)}_n + SS^{(k-1)}_{n-1} + …. + 1 \\
&= SS^{(k-2)}_n + SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-1)} + SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-2)} + … + 1 \\
&\quad+ SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-1)} + SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-2)} + … + 1 \\
&\quad+ SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-2)} + … + 1 \\
&\quad … \\
&\quad + 1 \\
& = SS^{(k-2)}_n + 2.SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-1)} + 3.SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-2)} + … n.1 \\
& = \sum_{j=1}^{n}j.SS^{(k-2)}_{(n-(j-1))}

This result allows us to express the kth sankalita-sankalita as a sum of (k-2)th sankalita-sankalitas, in addition to the elementary expression in terms of (k-1)th sankalita-sankalitas, which we will find useful.

Improving the jyā table


In the previous article in this series, we saw how Āryabhaṭa's jyā table was calculated. It was a remarkably simple recurrence relation, with accuracy to one minute of arc (using the Indian standard circle of circumference 21600′) at 24 points 225′ apart.

प्रथमाच्चापज्यार्धाद्यैरूनं खण्डितं द्वितीयार्धम् ।
तत्प्रथमज्यार्धांशैस्तैस्तैरूनानि शेषाणि ।।

We set both first jyā B1 and the first difference K1 as equal to 225. Then, further differences (खण्डज्या) and actual jyās (पिण्डज्या) are calculated using the recurrence relations

K_2 = K_1 – \frac{B_1}{B_1} \\
K_n = K_{n-1} – \frac{B_{n-1}}{B_1} \\
B_n = K_n + B_{n-1}

The resulting खण्डज्या are encoded in the verse

मखि भखि फखि धखि णखि ञखि ङखि हस्झ स्ककि किष्ग श्घकि किघ्व |
घ्लकि किग्र हक्य धकि किच स्ग झश ङ्व क्ल प्त फ छ कलार्धज्याः ||

For intermediate points in between the 24 standard tabular points, we use linear interpolation.

Making the tabular jyā more accurate

The Kerala School came up with two approaches to make tabular sines, or पठितज्या as they called it, more accurate. The first, which we shall see in this article, is a modification of Āryabhaṭa's recurrence, plus a better method for interpolation. The second, which we shall see later, resulted in a full infinite series for jyā allowing any degree of accuracy to be achieved.

Improved recurrence

This verse is from Tantrasaṅgraha of Nīlakaṇṭha Somayāji and is also seen in Yuktibhāṣā

विलिप्तदशकोना ज्या राश्यष्टांशधनुः कलाः ।
आद्यज्यार्धात्ततो भक्ते सार्धदेवाश्विभिस्ततः ।।
त्यक्ते द्वितीयखण्डज्या द्वितीयज्या च तद्युतिः ।
ततस्तेनैव हारेण लब्धं शोद्यं द्वितीयतः ।।
खण्डात्तृतीयखण्डस्स्यात् द्वितीयस्तद्युतो गुणः ।
तृतीयस्स्यात्ततश्चैवं चतुर्थाद्याः क्रमात्गुणाः ।।

The jyā of an eighth of a rāśi is its length minus ten seconds
From the first jyā is subtracted itself divided by 233′ 30″ to get the second jya difference and the second jyā is obtained by adding that to the first jyā
Further subtrahends are found by dividing successive jyās with the same divisor, and are subtracted from jyā differences to find successive differences.
Further jyās are obtained by adding successive differences to prior jyās

The Kerala school replaced the Āryabhaṭa recurrence with the precise relation

K_n = K_{n-1} – {(\frac{a}{R})}^2.B_{n-1} \\
B_n = K_n + B_{n-1}

where R is the radius, and a is the full-chord of the quarter circumference divided by 24, (ie 225′). So far, this is perfectly precise, as we shall see in the next article where we will look at the saṅkalita for this. To make this computable, they use the approximation \(a = 225′\). This is more accurate than the Āryabhaṭa approximation which sets the corresponding jyā to 225′, since the full-chord is between the jyā and the corresponding arc in length. This leads to the approximations
\({(\frac{a}{R})}^2 \approx 233′ 30″\) (नीलोबालारिः or सार्धदेवाश्वि in bhūtasaṅkhyā).
This was later improved by Śankaravāriyar to \({(\frac{a}{R})}^2 \approx 233′ 32″\) (रङ्गेबालास्त्री)

\(K_1 \approx 224′ 50″\)
This again was improved by Śankaravāriyar as,
\(K_1 \approx 224′ 50″22‴\)

What we gain here is better accuracy, at the cost of

  1. A more complex divisor – 233′ 32″ in the place of 225′
  2. A more complex first sine – 224′ 50″ 22”' in the place of 225′

Comparsion of tabular jyā accuracy

Comparing the accuracy of tabular jyā by these methods, with the modern values, we see that Śankaravāriyar is accurate to a few seconds of arc, while Nīlakaṇṭha's table is off by upto about 20 seconds. Āryabhaṭa, as we have noted is accurate to about a minute of arc.

Comparison of jya tables – expressed in minutes, seconds, thirds and fourths of arc.

Improved Interpolation

Rather than basic linear interpolation, the Kerala School introduced a more complex interpolation equation to improve accuracy:

इष्टदोःकोटिधनुषोः स्वसमीपसमीरिते
ज्ये द्वे सावयवे न्यस्य कुर्यादूनाधिकं धनुः
न्यस्याच्छोधाय च मिथः तत्संस्कारविधित्सया
छित्वैकां प्राक् क्षिपेज्जह्यात् तद्धनुष्याधिकोनके
अन्यस्यामथ तां द्विघ्नां तथा स्यामिति संस्कृतिः‌
इति ते कृतसंस्कारे स्वगुणौ धनुषोस्तयोः
तत्राल्पीयः कृतिं त्यक्त्वा पदं त्रिज्याकृते परः‌
For a desired arc, find the tabular jyā and kojyā below and above it
compute the differences of arc length to the tabular points above and below,
Divide 13751 by these and keep aside as divisors for mutual correction
Divide each one (ie jyā below and kojyā above) by this, and subtract from other (jyā above and kojyā below). Mutliply the results by two, and add to the original (ie jyā below and kojyā above) to get the interpolated jyā and kojyā.
Of the two, take the smaller, square it, subtract from the square of the radius and take the root to get the other

Again, this verse is from Tantrasaṅgraha and is also seen in Yuktibhāṣā. The idea is better explained mathematically thus:

D = \frac{13751}{2.d} \\
jyā(B+d) &= jyā(B) + \frac{2}{D}(kojyā(B) – \frac{jyā(B)}{D}) \\
jyā(B-d) &= jyā(B) – \frac{2}{D}(kojyā(B) + \frac{jyā(B)}{D}) \\
kojyā(B-d) &= kojyā(B) + \frac{2}{D}(jyā(B) – \frac{kojyā(B)}{D})\\
kojyā(B+d) &= kojyā(B) – \frac{2}{D}(jyā(B) + \frac{kojyā(B)}{D})\\

How does this work? Where does the mysterious 13751 come from? It turns out that it is a decent approximation for four times the radius of the standard circle. Using the जीवे परस्परन्यायः (which we will see in a later article), which modern readers will know as the equation
\( sin(A+B) = sin(A).cos(B) + cos(A).sin(B)\),
and the approximation for small t
sin(t) = t \\
cos(t) = \sqrt{1-t^2}
and recasting to the jyā framework allows us to derive the equations above.

We aren't done yet

Granted, this gets us better accuracy than Āryabhaṭa, but knowing the Kerala school, the gains from this are clearly not sufficient to satisfy their rather exacting standards. So, this improved method is extended further to generate an infinite series for jyā, just as we saw for the circumference. We will see that the jyā series produces much improved accuracy than the recurrence relation, and will lead us to the famous Madhava jyā table and its interesting mnemonics.

Stringing the bow – a backgrounder on Indian trigonometry and the concept of jyā

Having calculated the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle to any accuracy we want with the Madhava series, we move onto the question of calculating ज्या/jyā or the half-chord of any arc. ज्या is the Indian counterpart of the modern sine function, and a backgrounder on how Indians thought of it, and the entire subject of what we call “trigonometry” would be interesting. We have seen a brief summary of this in an earlier post, but this would be a good time for a more detailed picture.

Bows, strings and arrows

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Think of an arc of a circle as a bow – depicted in red in the figure. The chord of the arc represents the bowstring, and is therefore called समस्तज्या – full bowstring – and the half-chord (green in the figure) correspondingly becomes अर्धज्या, or just ज्या. Āryabhaṭa is often fastidious about calling the half-chord अर्धज्या, but later mathematicians merely say ज्या. The radius of the circle (purple) represents half of the bowstring in stretched position. The कोटीज्या or कोटिः (in yellow) is the horizontal difference in positions between the normal and stretched bowstrings. The difference of radius and कोटीज्या is the arrow or शरः (in blue) placed on the bow. The शरः is not commonly seen in modern trigonometry, but turns out to be quite useful in Indian Trigonometry.

A more formal picture

Consider the circle centered on O, oriented with East upwards, as is the convention. The North South diameter is NOS, and the East West diameter EOW. Consider Arc EA of the circle. The ज्या of this arc is segment AJ, and the corresponding कोटीज्या (or कोटिः) is AK. EJ is the शरः.

OE/OA/ON/OS are all equal to the radius (व्यासार्धः, also called कर्णः in this context). कर्णः means radius in this context, but can also mean diagonal, or hypotenuse of a right triangle. OA fulfils all these meanings at the same time.

Using the notation \(EA = s \text{,} \quad \theta = \frac{s}{R} \), we get:

jyā(s) &= AJ = R.sin(\theta) \\
koṭi(s) &= AK = R.cos(\theta) \\
śara(s) &= EJ = R.versine(\theta) = R.(1-cos(\theta)) \\

Quite evidently, we can derive the ज्याकोटिकर्णन्यायः \( jyā^2 + koṭi^2 = karṇa^2 \), by noting that \( AJ^2 + AK^2 = OA^2 \).

In modern trigonometry, we talk of sines and cosines of angles (arcs divided by the radius), whereas ज्या etc. are functions of arcs. Again, the ज्या etc. are lengths, not ratios as the sine and cosine functions are. Therefore, ज्या etc. are dependent on the actual radius/circumference of the circle, which can make life complicated if we use them as is. Therefore, a convention of all circles having radius 21600′ was adopted.

The standard circle

Standard Circle

The standard circle in Indian trigonometry has circumference 21600′ (=360*60), which is its arc-length in minutes. The corresponding radius can be calculated by the circumference-diameter relation to be approximately 3438′. All calculations of jyā and others happen assuming this standard circle. When a true result is required, it is scaled to the real size of the circle using the rule of three (त्रैराशिकम्) which we have seen before.
The standard circle is divided as

Divided Into
1 Standard circle12 Rashi/राशिः‌ (divisions)
1 Rashi30 Amsha/अंशः (degrees)
1 Amsha60 Kalā / कला (minutes)
1 Kalā60 Vikalā / विकला (seconds)

It can be seen that 1 Standard circle = 12*30*60 = 21600 कला (minutes). Beyond Vikalā, further subdivisions into sixtieths as thirds, fourths and so on can be made if necessary.

For more accurate estimates of radius, the encoding श्रीरुद्रः श्रीधरः श्रेष्ठो देवो विश्वस्थली भृगुः corresponds to 3437,44,48,22,29,22,22 , or 3437 minutes 44 seconds, 48 thirds, 22 fourths, 29 fifths, 22 sixths and 22 sevenths.

These names and conventions were first used by Āryabhaṭa, and adopted by later Indian mathematicians.

How did the name “sine” originate?

Surprisingly enough, the modern term “sine” itself derives from ज्या, in spite of the lack of superficial similarity. Indian texts used any synonym of bowstring for ज्या, including मोर्वी, शिञ्जिनी, and जीवा. When Indian texts were translated into Arabic, जीवा became jiba, written in Arabic as جب . European translators misinterpreted this as the Arabic word jayb (pocket, bay, inlet), and translated it into Latin as sinus (bay). Thus, through a rather circuitous route, ज्या became sine.

Building a table of jyā

Āryabhaṭa's first step towards being able to calculate the jyā of any arc was to build a table of a fixed number of them. This construction later became standard among all of his followers, thanks to his ingenious method of calculating those tabular jyās. Āryabhaṭa divided the NE quadrant of the circle into 24 arcs of equal length, EC1, C1C2, … C22C23, C23N. The respective jyās are C1B1, C2B2, … C23B23 and their respective koṭis are C1K1, C2K2, … C23K23. How are these calculated?

There is the hard, but accurate way. Through geometrical reasoning, Āryabhaṭa proved that \(jyā(30) = \frac{r}{2}\), \(jyā(90) = r \) and \( jyā(\frac{s}{2}) = \frac{1}{2}. \sqrt{jyā(s)^2 + śara(s)^2}\). Using these and the ज्याकोटिकर्णन्यायः all of tabular jyā can be calculated accurately. However, a whole lot of square roots need to be calculated, which limits practical calculation accuracy. This problem sets the stage for Āryabhaṭa's ingenious method.

The Āryabhaṭa Recurrence Relation

प्रथमाच्चापज्यार्धाद्यैरूनं खण्डितं द्वितीयार्धम् ।
तत्प्रथमज्यार्धांशैस्तैस्तैरूनानि शेषाणि ।।
From the first jyā. subtract its ratio with the first jya (ie itself, therefore 1) to get the second difference
Further differences are computed from the previous by subtracting the ratio of the previous sine with the first

Each of the equal arcs EC1, C1C2, … C22C23, C23N has length equal to 21600/(4*24) =225, which was one reason exactly 24 divisions were chosen rather than 23 or 25. Using a small arc approximation, Āryabhaṭa set jyā(225′) = 225′. Further jyās are calculated using recurrence relations.

Let the jyā of EC1, C1C2, … C22C23, C23N be denoted as B1, B2, … B24. We denote their differences as K1, K2, … K24, such that K1 = B1, K2 = B2 – B1, K3 = B3 – B2 etc. The Āryabhaṭa recurrence relation is

K_2 = K_1 – \frac{B_1}{B_1} \\
K_n = K_{n-1} – \frac{B_{n-1}}{B_1}

Since we already know K1 = B1 = 225′, this lets us calculate the full table of jyās. Āryabhaṭa calls the Kn as खण्डज्या and the Bn as पिण्डज्या. Calculating the Kn leads to the verse of all 24 खण्डज्या (encoded in his peculiar encoding)

मखि भखि फखि धखि णखि ञखि ङखि हस्झ स्ककि किष्ग श्घकि किघ्व |
घ्लकि किग्र हक्य धकि किच स्ग झश ङ्व क्ल प्त फ छ कलार्धज्याः ||

S.NoAngleखण्डज्यापिण्डज्या3438′ * Modern Sine
103° 45′225225′224.8560
207°   30′224449′448.7490
311°   15′222671′670.7205
415°   00′219890′889.8199
518°   45′2151105′1105.1089
622°   30′2101315′1315.6656
726°   15′2051520′1520.5885
830°   00′1991719′1719.0000
933°   45′1911910′1910.0505
1037°   30′1832093′2092.9218
1141°   15′1742267′2266.8309
1245°   00′1642431′2431.0331
1348°   45′1542585′2584.8253
1452°   30′1432728′2727.5488
1556°   15′1312859′2858.5925
1660°   00′1192978′2977.3953
1763°   45′1063084′3083.4485
1867°   30′933177′3176.2978
1971°   15′793256′3255.5458
2075°   00′653321′3320.8530
2178°   45′513372′3371.9398
2282°   30′373409′3408.5874
2386°   15′223431′3430.6390
2490°   00′73438′3438.0000
Aryabhata sine table

These are accurate to the minute (= 1/21600 of the circumference), which is remarkable for something that's that simple to remember. Incidentally, the Āryabhaṭa recurrence can be considered a discrete approximation of the modern relation \( \frac{d}{d\theta}sin \theta = – sin \theta\).

Reversing this table gives the values of koṭi for the same arcs, since koṭi(s) = jyā(90-s). Using śara(s) = R- koṭi(s) lets us calculate those as well.

Calculation of jyā at points between the points of the table is done through simple linear interpolation. Thus, we're home and dry to a decent accuracy for all three – jyā, koṭi, and śara, with nothing more than basic arithmetic!

Going beyond 90 degrees

Consider the four points A1, A2, A3, A4 . By convention, we measure angles in Indian astronomy from the East point (first point of Aries, or मेषादिः), and therefore the points on the circle are marked E, N, W, S, respectively. For a point in the NW quadrant (ie, arc greater than quarter but less than half the circumference), we take the complementary arc WA2, and read out (or interpolate) its tabular jyā, to get A2B2, the jyā of EA2. For A3, we use WA3 to calculate A3B3 with a negative sign, and for A4, we use the complementary arc EA4 to calculate A4B4, again with a negative sign. This corresponds to the modern relationships:

sin(90+\theta) &= cos(\theta) = sin(90-\theta) \\
sin(180+\theta) &= -sin(\theta) \\
sin(270+\theta) &= -cos(\theta) = -sin(90-\theta) \\

Getting even better

Is this the end of the story then? Not quite. While these values were “good enough” for a long time, errors tended to accumulate, and just as we saw with calculating circumference, the need for more accurate values was felt. Also, linear interpolation is clearly not quite good enough for a non-linear function, as we would instantly note in a modern context.

The Kerala School came up with solutions for both of these.

  • First, they discovered much improved recurrence relations, and a proper infinite series for these functions which improved accuracy much further.
  • Secondly, they found a much more accurate interpolation, using the जीवे परस्परन्यायः relation for sin(A+B).

All this will be explored in later articles.

Calculating Pi to eleven digits by hand using the Madhava Series – चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालः


A famous verse in a later work from the Kerala school, with a कटपयादि mnemonic of pi to ten decimal places goes:

आनूननून्नाननुनुन्ननित्यैस्  समाहताश्चक्रकलाविभक्ताः‌ ।
चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालैर्व्यासस्तदर्धं त्रिभमौर्विका स्यात् ।।

करणपद्धतिः – पुतुमनसोमयाजी

The circumference of a circle in minutes of arc is multiplied by आनूननून्नाननुनुन्ननित्यम् (=10000000000) and divided by चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालः = (31415926536) to yield the diameter ….

This is accurate to 11 digits including the leading 3.

कटपयादि encoding

नञावचश्च शून्यानि संख्या: कटपयादय:।
मिश्रे तूपान्त्यहल् संख्या न च चिन्त्यो हलस्वर:॥

न, ञ and vowels are zero, numerals 1-9 are encoded starting with क, ट, प, य. Only the last consonant of a conjunct is considered, and consonants without attached vowels are ignored.


Numbers are encoded least significant digit first, according to the maxim संख्यानां वामतो गतिः

By this, we get आनूननून्नाननुनुन्ननित्यम् = 10000000000 and चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालः = 31415926536,

How was चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालः calculated?

In the previous article in the series, we saw how the व्यासे वारिधिनिहते series converged too slowly to be of practical use, and how it could be made useful by adding a संस्कार, or correction factor. We saw two correction factors, the first order \(\frac{4d}{2(p+1)}\) and the second order \(\frac{\frac{p+1}{2}}{(p+1)^2+1}\), and how they made the series converge well. Neither, however, is good enough to calculate this result in less than 30 terms, which is what would be manually feasible.

Third order संस्कारः (correction)

अन्ते समसङ्ख्यादलवर्गः सैको गुणः सैव पुनः
युगगुणितो रूपयुतः समसङ्ख्यादलहतः भवेद्धारः

\( C_p = (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{2}}.4d.\frac{(\frac{p+1}{2})^2+1}{(4(\frac{p+1}{2})^2+5).\frac{p+1}{2}}\)
TermsResult with third order correction Accuracy (places after decimal point)
Improved convergence of the Madhava series with third order correction

By calculating to 28 terms, we achieve our desired result of चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालः = 3145926536.

Madhava Series Summary

The basic series is

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते रूपहृते व्याससागराभिहते ।
त्रिशरादिविषमसंख्याभक्तमृणं स्वं पृथक्क्रमात् कुर्यात् ॥

\( C = 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … \)

To make this converge faster, we add the संस्कारः (correction):

यत्सङ्ख्ययात्र हरणे कृते निवृत्ता हृतिस्तु जामितया
तस्या ऊर्ध्वगता या समसङ्ख्या तद्दलं गुणोऽन्ते स्यात् ||
तद्वर्गो रूपयुतो हारो व्यासाब्धिघातात् प्राग्वत्
ताभ्यामाप्तं स्वमृणे कृते धने क्षेप एव करणीयः ||

\(C_p = (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{2}}.\frac{4.d.\frac{p+1}{2}}{(p+1)^2+1} \)

Or the more accurate संस्कारः (correction):

अन्ते समसङ्ख्यादलवर्गः सैको गुणः सैव पुनः
युगगुणितो रूपयुतः समसङ्ख्यादलहतः भवेद्धारः

\( C_p = (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{2}}.4d.\frac{(\frac{p+1}{2})^2+1}{(4(\frac{p+1}{2})^2+5).\frac{p+1}{2}}\)

We can calculate the mnemonic चण्डांशुचन्द्राधमकुम्भिपालः = (31415926536) by summing व्यासे… to 28 terms and adding the latter correction.

Alternate series

By incorporating the correction term into the series itself, Yuktibhāṣā derives quicker-converging series as alternatives to व्यासे वारिधिनिहते. There are equivalent to using the correction terms, so are more of a curiosity than providing any further benefit.

We have seen the स्थौल्य (error term) before: \( E_p = \frac{1}{a_{p-1}} + \frac{1}{a_{p}} – \frac{1}{p} \) . We fold it into the series thus

C &= 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … \pm \frac{4.d}{p} \mp \frac{4d}{a_p} \\
&= 4.d [1 – \frac{1}{a_1} + (\frac{1}{a_1} + \frac{1}{a_3} – \frac{1}{3}) – (\frac{1}{a_3} + \frac{1}{a_5} – \frac{1}{5}) … \mp (\frac{1}{a_{p-1}}+\frac{1}{a_p}-\frac{1}{p}) \\
&= 4.d [ 1 – \frac{1}{a_1}] + 4d [E_3-E_5+…\mp E_p]

By simple rearrangement, we have transformed the original series with संस्कारः into alternate series using the respective स्थौल्य. We have calculated the स्थौल्य for first and second order corrections previously. Unfortunately, the स्थौल्य for the most accurate correction is hard to use. Thus, we get the two alternate series incorporating संस्कारः

First alternate series

We get this by incorporating the first order correction

व्यासाद् वारिधिनिहतात् पृथगाप्तं त्र्याद्ययुग्विमूलघनैः
त्रिघ्नव्यासे स्वमृणं क्रमशः कृत्वा परिधिरानेयः || 

\(C = 3d + 4d.\frac{1}{3^3-3} – 4d.\frac{1}{5^3-5} + 4d.\frac{1}{7^3-7} ….\)

Second alternate series

Incorporating the second order error term instead, we get:

समपञ्चाहतयो या रुपाद्ययुजां चतुर्घ्नमूलयुताः
ताभिः षोडशगुणितात् पृथगाहृतेषु विषमयुतेः
समफलयुतिमपहाय स्यादिष्टव्याससंभवः परिधिः

\(C = 16d.\frac{1}{1^5+4.1} – 16d.\frac{1}{3^5+4.3} + 16d.\frac{1}{5^5+4.5} ….\)

Making the Madhava series practically useful

The Madhava series is slow and boring, says … Madhava

यत्सङ्ख्ययात्र हरणे कृते निवृत्ता हृतिस्तु जामितया
तस्या ऊर्ध्वगता या समसङ्ख्या तद्दलं गुणोऽन्ते स्यात् ||
तद्वर्गो रूपयुतो हारो व्यासाब्धिघातात् प्राग्वत् 
ताभ्यामाप्तं स्वमृणे कृते धने क्षेप एव करणीयः ||
लभ्धः परिधिः सूक्ष्मो बहुकृत्वो हरणतोऽतिसूक्ष्मश्च ||
When you stop division out of boredom, remember the last divisor
take the next even number, and halve it. That is your numerator.
The square of the numerator, plus one is your divisor. Multiply by four times the diameter as before.
The correction you thus calculate, add to the result if the last operation you did was subtraction, and vice versa.
The corrected diameter you get is accurate, much more so that by a lot of division (ie: by taking several more terms!)

What exactly does this mean?

We are back with व्यासे वारिधिनिहते, the Madhava Pi (or more accurately circumference) series. We saw in an earlier article how it was demonstrated to be correct by Yuktibhāṣā. To jog the reader's memory, the verse is :

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते रूपहृते व्याससागराभिहते ।
त्रिशरादिविषमसंख्याभक्तमृणं स्वं पृथक्क्रमात् कुर्यात् ॥

which is equivalent to

\( C = 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … \)
\( \frac{\pi}{4} = 1 – \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} – \frac{1}{7} \)

The one problem with this series is that it converges extremely slowly. This is precisely why the verse says निवृत्ता हृतिस्तु जामितया (“when you stop dividing out of boredom”). Remember that all this calculation is happening by hand. How many terms would we calculate? 10? 20? 50?


These are the first 15 digits of Pi – this is our target.

Madhava's series converges really really slowly towards this number. Setting the diameter to 1, we add more and more terms to the series to calculate the circumference as

Slow convergence of the Madhava series

50 terms is a lot to calculate by hand, and we haven't got anywhere close to the answer we want. Even after a 100 terms, Aryabhata's 3.1416 is still much better. This series as is, is a theoretical curiosity, and is not much use for practical calculation. Or is it?
(We have conveniently ignored that Madhava himself would have calculated in fractions, not decimals, and would've probably set d = 100000000000, but that doesn't change our point)

Error Pattern

We notice that the difference between Pi and our approximation is almost the same, but a little less than (and grows increasingly close to) the reciprocal of the number of terms we have calculated. If only we could add a correction term …

संस्कारः – The correction term.

Let's start with the presumption that we want a correction term, to be added to the end of the series, depending on the number of terms in the series. The correction term must

  1. Be dependent on the number of terms already calculated (not a constant!)
  2. Approximate the rest of the series
  3. Converge faster than the series itself.

Let's assume we have computed n terms in the series. The last denominator we computed was \(p = 2n-1\). We are looking for a correction term of the form \(1/a_p\) to add to the series, such that
\( C \approx 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{p} + (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{a_p} \)
As n (and p) grow larger, we want the series to converge faster with the correction term added. ie, we want:
\( 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … (-1)^{\frac{p-3}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{p-2} + (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{a_{p-1}} \approx 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{p} + (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{a_p} \) which, after accounting for signs, simplifies to:
\( \frac{1}{a_{p-1}} + \frac{1}{a_{p}} \approx \frac{1}{p}\)

We define the स्थौल्य (error term) \( E_p = \frac{1}{a_{p-1}} + \frac{1}{a_{p}} – \frac{1}{p} \), which we want to keep as small as we can, and want it to go to zero with n much faster than \(\frac{1}{n}\) does.

First order correction term

Our first attempt at a correction term is \( a_p = 2(p+1) = 4n \). This is easy to calculate. Whatever your last denominator was, add one to it, and double your result to get the denominator of your correction term. This is a good start, as we can see :

TermsResult with first order correction
Improved convergence of the Madhava series

We are as good as Aryabhata after 20 terms. In 40 terms, we are ahead of him by one digit. By term 100, we have one more digit of accuracy. Good, but we need to do better.

We note that the स्थौल्य is now
\( \begin{align*}
E_p &= \frac{1}{a_{p-1}} + \frac{1}{a_{p}} – \frac{1}{p} \\
&= \frac{1}{2(p-1)} + \frac{1}{2(p+1)} – \frac{1}{p} \\
&= \frac{1}{p^3-p}

We note that a positive स्थौल्य indicates an over-correction, which we can verify from the table. It goes down as the third power of p, indicating that we now converge much faster with this correction term, as we can see from the table.

Second order correction

To improve the correction term, we therefore have to increase its denominator. Can we increase it by a constant 1? That will give us

\( \begin{align*}
E_p &= \frac{1}{a_{p-1}} + \frac{1}{a_{p}} – \frac{1}{p} \
&= \frac{1}{2p-1} + \frac{1}{2p+3} – \frac{1}{p} \
&= \frac{-2p+3}{4p^3+4p^2-3p}

We have now ended up with a term proportional to p in the error numerator. Therefore, Yuktibhāṣā reasons that the denominator of the end-correction is better increased by a factor of 1/p rather than 1, and arrives at the optimal value as \( a_p = 2p+2 + \frac{4}{2p+2}\) That gives us a स्थौल्य of

\( \begin{align*}
E_p &= \frac{1}{a_{p-1}} + \frac{1}{a_{p}} – \frac{1}{p} \
&= \frac{1}{2p-2+\frac{4}{2p-2}} + \frac{1}{2p+2+\frac{4}{2p+2}} – \frac{1}{p} \
&= \frac{-4}{p^5+4p}

This is a good स्थौल्य – negative, implying a slight under-correction, and reducing as the fifth power of p, which means we converge fast with this correction term. Let's see if that really happens

TermsResult with second order correctionAccuracy (decimal places)
Better improved convergence of the Madhava series

We have nine decimal places of accuracy with 50 terms, and 11 with 100, which is quite impressive. So, our correction term corresponds to
\( a_p = 2p+2 + \frac{4}{2p+2}\)
The term itself will be proportional to

\( \frac{1}{a_p} = \frac{1}{2p+2 + \frac{4}{2p+2}} = \frac{\frac{p+1}{2}}{(p+1)^2+1}\)

(ie: तस्या ऊर्ध्वगता या समसङ्ख्या तद्दलं गुणोऽन्ते स्यात् || तद्वर्गो रूपयुतो हारो …). Adding this correction term, our series now becomes:

\( C \approx 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + … (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}.\frac{4.d}{p} + (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{2}}.\frac{4.d.\frac{p+1}{2}}{(p+1)^2+1} \)

The correction term has the opposite sign to the last term in the series – we add if we have subtracted, and vice versa (स्वमृणे कृते धने क्षेप एव करणीयः).

This form, as the table above attests, is good enough for calculation (लभ्धः परिधिः सूक्ष्मो), already to a degree of accuracy that was not known anywhere in Madhava's time. Comparing this table with the first, we see that it is a lot more useful to compute this correction term than to compute many many more terms of the series (बहुकृत्वो हरणतोऽतिसूक्ष्मश्च).

By improving the end correction term further, we can do even better than this, but we will leave that for a later article.

cāpı̄karaṇam: The arctangent function

After our detour to take a detailed look at sankalitas, we go back to the व्यासे वारिधिनिहते series and – following the reasoning in Yuktibhāṣā – see how we can modify it to convert any ज्या / कोटिः pair to its चापः (arc). In modern terms, this corresponds to finding an infinite series for the arctangent function.

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते … again

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is drawing1-3.png

When we derived the व्यासे वारिधिनिहते series, we used a quadrant of a square with an inscribed circle, and started off by dividing the eastern (top) side EA into n equal parts. We denote the intermediate karṇas (hypotenuses) as\(k_1, k_2\) etc, and we get:

\( EC \approx \frac{r}{n}. (\frac{r^2}{k_1^2}+ … \frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_n^2})\)

Using \(k_i^2 = r^2 + (\frac{i.r}{n})^2\) and using śodhyaphalas and the large-n-sankalita \( (1^k+2^k…+n^k) \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1} \), we found that:

EC &\approx \frac{r}{n} (1+1+ …+1) \\
&\quad -\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^2}{r^2} (1^2 + 2^2 + … n^2) \\
&\quad +\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^4}{r^4} (1^4 + 2^4 + … n^4) \\
&\quad -\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^6}{r^6} (1^6 + 2^6 + … n^6) \\
&\quad …\\
&\approx r – \frac{r}{3} + \frac{r}{5} – \frac{r}{7} + …

One small change

Instead of EC being an eighth of the circumference, we consider an EC less than that. We extend OC to meet the top side at T, and divide ET, whose length we denote as t, into n parts and perform the calculation for EC as we did before. As usual, we denote the intermediate karṇas (hypotenuses) as \(k_1, k_2\) etc, and we get:

\( EC \approx \frac{t}{n}. (\frac{r^2}{k_1^2}+ … \frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_n^2})\)

Using \(k_i^2 = r^2 + (\frac{i.t}{n})^2\) and using śodhyaphalas and sankalita before, we get:

EC &\approx \frac{t}{n} (1+1+ …+1) \\
&\quad -\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{t}{n})^2}{r^2} (1^2 + 2^2 + … n^2) \\
&\quad +\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{t}{n})^4}{r^4} (1^4 + 2^4 + … n^4) \\
&\quad -\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{t}{n})^6}{r^6} (1^6 + 2^6 + … n^6) \\
&\quad …\\
&\approx r. \frac{t}{r} – \frac{r}{3}\frac{t^3}{r^3} + \frac{r}{5}.\frac{t^5}{r^5} – \frac{r}{7}.\frac{t^7}{r^7} + … \\
&= r. \frac{j}{k} – \frac{r}{3}\frac{j^3}{k^3} + \frac{r}{5}.\frac{j^5}{k^5} – \frac{r}{7}.\frac{j^7}{k^7} + …

For the last step above, we use the fact that the jyā and koṭi of EC are CP and OP respectively, and by त्रैराशिकम्,
\( \frac{t}{r} = \frac{CP}{OP} = \frac{jyā}{koṭi} = \frac{j}{k} \)

And thus, we obtain Madhava's series for चापीकरणम् (the arctangent function, in modern terms).

Madhava's Series for चापीकरणम् (arctangent)

इष्टज्यात्रिज्ययोर्घातात् कोट्याप्तं प्रथमं फलं 
ज्यावर्गं गुणकं कृत्वा कोटिवर्गं च हारकम् । 
प्रथमादिफलेभ्योऽथ नेया फलततिर्महुः
एकत्र्याद्योजसङ्ख्याभिर्भक्तेष्वेतेष्वनुक्रमात् । 
ओजानां संयुतेस्त्यकक्त्वा युग्मयोगं धनुर्भवेत् ॥

Multiply the jyā by trijyā (radius), and divide by koṭi. This is your first term. To get successive terms, multiply the previous term by the square of the jyā divided by the square of the koṭi. Divide the terms by the odd numbers 1,3,5,7 etc in turn. From the sum of the odd numbered terms, subtract the sum of the even numbered terms, to get the arc.

This means: given a ज्या/कोटिः pair j, k of a circle of radius r, the associated arc is given by:

\( s = r. \frac{j}{k} – \frac{r}{3}\frac{j^3}{k^3} + \frac{r}{5}.\frac{j^5}{k^5} – \frac{r}{7}.\frac{j^7}{k^7} \)

which is equivalent to:

\( arctan(t) = t – \frac{t^3}{3} + \frac{t^5}{5} – \frac{t^7}{7} … \)

दोः कोट्योरल्पमेवेष्टं कल्पनीयमिह स्मृतम् ।
लब्धीनां नावसानं स्यादन्यताऽपि मुहुः कृते ।।

For the above procedure to work, we must have \(j \lt k\).
If that's not true, swap j and k, calculate the complementary arc using the same procedure, and subtract from a quarter of the circumference to get the desired result.

Area of a circle, and volume of a sphere

In the previous article in this series, we saw how sankalitas are the Kerala calculus analogue to integrals in modern calculus, and how they were computed in the limit of large n. In this article, we can take a look at how these were used to compute the volume of a sphere.

Area of a circle

Thampuran & Iyer, 1948

To derive the volume of a sphere, we must first derive the area of a circle of radius r and circumference C.

From Thampuran & Iyer, 1948

To find the area of such a circle, we first divide it into radial segments as in the figure, and then reassemble them as below. As the number of segments grows more and more, the assembled figure moves closer to a rectangle. At the limit, we get a true rectangle, and the result \( A = \frac{C}{2}.r \). We can see that this is equivalent to the modern result \( A = \pi . r^2 \). Sankalita doesn't appear directly in this derivation, but is implied in the expression for circumference, which we calculate using (for example), व्यासे वारिधिनिहते …

त्रैराशिकम् – The principle of proportionality

त्रैराशिकम् (rule of three) is fundamental to the way Indian mathematicians thought. Aryabhata says:

त्रैराशिकफलराशिं  तमथेच्छाराशिना हतं कृत्वा ।
लब्धं प्रमाणभजितं तस्मादिच्छाफलमिदं स्यात् ।।   

If you have a quantity प्रमाणम्, that produces a proportional फलम्, ‌and we wish to find what the corresponding इच्छाफलम् would be for a different quantity इच्छा, we use the relation इच्छाफलम् = फलम् *‌ इच्छा / प्रमाणम्

For example, all circles have the same proportionality between radius and circumference. If we know a circle with radius r and circumference C, another circle with radius r1 will have circumference \(C_1 = \frac{C . r_1}{r}\).

Proportionality relationships with more than two elements can be calculated using rules of five, seven etc. Bhaskarācārya discusses the methodology for this in detail in Līlāvatī.

Volume of a sphere

From Thampuran & Iyer, 1948

To compute the volume of a sphere of radius r, diameter \(d = 2.r\) and great-circle circumference C, we divide it into thin horizontal circular segments, slicing parallel to the horizontal axis. Each slice has a finite thickness. We add up the slice volumes to approximate the volume of the sphere, which becomes accurate at the limit of atomically thin slices.

A vertical great-circle slice showing the jyA and koTi of the jth horizontal slice of the sphere

We divide the upper hemisphere of the sphere (of radius r and great-circle circumference C) into n slices of equal thickness \(r/n\). We denote the vertical distance from the centre of the jth slice (numbering from the pole) by \(K_j\), and the radius of the jth slice as \(J_j\) (for कोटिः and ज्या, which we have seen before). The figure represents a vertical great-circle slice through the sphere, showing the radius, \(J_j\) and \(K_j\). The volume of the jth slice \(V_j\) is related to its circumference, using the area formula derived in the previous section.
\( \begin{align*}
C_j &= \frac{C}{r}.J_j && \text{(}C_j\text{ is the circumference of the jth slice, and trairāśikam)} \\
V_j &= \frac{C_j}{2} . J_j . \frac{r}{n} && \text{(using}\quad A = \frac{C}{2}.r \quad\text{)} \\
&= \frac{C}{2.r}. J_j^2. \frac{r}{n} \\
& = \frac{C}{2.n}. J_j^2.

Summing up the upper hemisphere and considering n to be very large, we get
\( \begin{align*}
\frac{V}{2} &= \frac{C}{2.n}. (J_1^2+J_2^2+…J_n^2) \\
V &= \frac{C}{n} (J_1^2+J_2^2+…J_n^2) \\
&= \frac{C}{n} . (r^2+r^2+…r^2) \\
&\quad-\frac{C}{n} . (K_1^2+K_2^2+…K_n^2) && \text{(using jya-koti-karna nyaya)} \\
&= C.r^2 – \frac{C}{n} .\frac{r^2}{n^2} (1^2+2^2+…n^2) \\
&= C.r^2 – \frac{C}{n} .\frac{r^2}{n^2}.\frac{n^3}{3} && \text{(varga-sankalita)} \\
&= C.r^2 – C .\frac{r^2}{3} \\
&= \frac{2}{3}.C.r^2 &&(=\frac{4}{3}.\pi.r^3)\\
& = \frac{C}{6}.d^2
And we see that the same result that is derived in modern textbooks using integration can be obtained by the large-n sankalita method.

This is a slightly modified version of the yukti in Yuktibhāṣā. Instead of the ज्याकोटिकर्णन्यायः (aka “Pythagoras Theorem”) which is known to it, it uses the intersecting-chords theorem (वृत्ते समवर्गो …) to similar effect. We use the former, since it is more familiar to modern readers.

Summary of Results

Area of a circle: \( A = \frac{C}{2}.r \)

Volume of a sphere: \( V = \frac{2}{3}.C.r^2 = \frac{C}{6}.d^2 \)

In both cases, we calculate C from r or d using व्यासे वारिधिनिहते or any of the alternatives we will see in later articles.

Fun with Sankalitas

In the previous article in the series, we saw how the famous Madhava circumference (Pi) series was justified using an argument based on the geometry of Kerala roofs, and the mathematical techniques of shodyaphala and sankalita (सङकलितम्). Since the idea of sankalita is central to the Calculus of the Kerala school, it makes sense to spend some time exploring it.

The mulasankalita (मूलसङ्कलितम्)

\( 1+2+…n=\frac{n.(n+1)}{2} \)

The मूलसङ्कलितम् has been known in Indian Mathematics since Aryabhata. Yuktibhāṣā proves this known result in two ways, and then extends it to the limiting case of very small segments thus:

Graphical yukti (proof)

Figure from Thampuran and Iyer, 1948

Consider the मूलसङ्कलितम् arranged as a two-dimensional figure as here, with the shaded squares expressing successive numbers. The shaded area in this particular figure represents the sum of the first 10 numbers \( 1+2+3+…+10\). If we invert the same shape (the unshaded part of the figure), and place it next to the original uninverted sankalita, we get a rectangle of height 10 and width one more than 10 = 11 units, whose area is therefore 10*11 = 110. The area of the shaded part is therefore half of it, which is \(110/2=55\). Since this argument works for any number, we see that \( 1+2+…n=\frac{n.(n+1)}{2} \). This relationship is the basic one used to prove higher order sankalitas and limits.

Algebraic yukti

Yuktibhāṣā considers the case of a very large n, which occurs in the sankalita form that turns up often in Kerala Calculus. Consider the case where a finite length r is divided into a very large number of segments n.

We change our scale such that each segment is of unit length (and therefore, r = n units in our new scale), and the sum of the segments is expressed as:
\( S_n = (1+2+…n) \)
This can be seen to be equal to:
S_n &= ((n-(n-1))+(n-(n-2))+ …n-1+n) \\
&= n*n – ((n-1)+(n-2)+…1) \\
&= n^2 – S_{n-1} \\

Subcase: regular n

For the regular case:
\( \begin{align*}
S_n&= n^2 – (S_n – n) &&(\text{substituting} \quad S_{n-1} = S_n -n) \\
2. S_n &= n^2 + n \\
S_n &= \frac{n(n+1)}{2}
Which is the same result as before, but derived purely algebraically. But the more interesting case for us in the context of Kerala Calculus is that of a very large n

Subcase: Large n

If n is very large – which means the unit is very small, close to atomic (अणुः), we see that
\( \begin{align*}
S_n&= n^2 – S_n &&(\text{substituting} \quad S_{n-1} \approx S_n) \\
2.S_n &\approx n^2 \\
S_n &\approx \frac{n^2}{2}
In this scale, the length r is n units, and therefore the sum of these segments is equivalent to \(r^2/2\) in this scale.

Extending the Sankalitas – power sums for large n

Extending the mulasankalita, we move on to samaghatasankalitas (समघातसङ्कलितानि) or power sums. Yuktibhāṣā derives their expressions for the limit of large n

(If you find too many details not to your taste, you can skip directly to the summary of results)

Vargasankalita (वर्गसङ्कलितम्)- sums of squares for large n

Using some interesting sleight of hand, and the earlier expression for \(S_n\), the मूलसङ्कलितम् for large n, we can calculate the sum of squares, वर्गसङ्कलितम्, thus:
S_n^{(2)} &= 1^2+2^2+3^2+…n^2 \\
&= 1.1 + 2.2 + 3.3 + …n.n \\
&= n.1 + n.2 + …n.n \\
&\quad-((n-1).1 + (n-2).2 + ….1.(n-1)) \\
&= n.S_n \\
&\quad- ((n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)….+1) \\
&\quad- ((n-2)+(n-3)….+1) \\
&\quad- ((n-3)…..+1) \\
&\quad- … \\
&\quad- 1
(the triangular sum above is interesting, and we will see it again later)
We can simplify this using the approximation for S_n for large n we derived earlier.
S_n^{(2)} &= n.S_n – S_{n-1} – S_{n-2} – … S_1 \\
&\approx \frac{n.n^2}{2} – \frac{(n-1)^2}{2} – \frac{(n-2)^2}{2} – \frac{(n-3)^2}{2} …. \\
&= \frac{n.n^2}{2} – \frac{1}{2}.((n-1)^2 + (n-2)^2 + …. 1) \\
&= \frac{n.n^2}{2} – \frac{1}{2}. S_{n-1}^{(2)}

Since for large n \( S_n^{(2)} \approx S_{n-1}^{(2)} \), we have
S_n^{(2)} \approx \frac{n.n^2}{2} – \frac{1}{2}. S_{n}^{(2)} \\
S_n^{(2)} \approx \frac{n^3}{3}
for large n

Ghanasankalita (घनसङ्कलितम्) – sums of cubes for large n

Using a very similar argument, we can derive an approximation for the sum of cubes (घनसङ्कलितम्) and all higher power sums (समघातसङ्कलितानि).
\( \begin{align*}
S_n^{(3)} &= 1^3+2^3+3^3+…n^3 \\
&= 1.1^2 + 2.1^2 + … n.n^2 \\
&= n.(1^2+2^2 + ….+n^2) \\
&\quad- ((n-1).1^2 + (n-2).2^2 + ….1.(n-1)^2)
Which simplifies, analogously to the case of the वर्गसङ्कलितम्, to
S_n^{(3)} \approx n . S_n^{(2)} – \frac{1}{3}.S_n^{(3)} \\
S_n^{(3)} \approx \frac{n^4}{4}
for large n

Samaghatasankalita (समघातसङ्कलितम्) – sums of higher powers for large n

Using a very similar argument, we can derive an approximation for the sum of higher powers (समघातसङ्कलितम्)
\( \begin{align*}
S_n^{(k)} &= 1^k+2^k+3^k+…n^k \\
&= 1.1^{k-1} + 2.1^{k-1} + … n.n^{k-1} \\
&= n.(1^{k-1}+2^{k-1} + ….+n^{k-1}) \\
&\quad- ((n-1).1^{k-1}+ (n-2).2^{k-1} + ….1.(n-1)^{k-1})
Which simplifies to
S_n^{(k)} \approx n . S_n^{(k-1)} – \frac{1}{k}.S_n^{(k)} \\
S_n^{(k)} \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1}
for large n
The astute reader would have noted the analogy with the modern \( \int x^k.dx = \frac{x^{k+1}}{k+1} \). As we would expect from this analogy, we can calculate areas, surface areas and volumes using these sankalitas, as we shall see soon enough. Before that, though, we take a small detour to the concept of the sankalita-sankalita, also called the sum of sums, or second order sum and its higher level analogs.

Extending the Sankalita – the Sankalita-sankalita (सङ्कलितसङ्कलितम्)

We can extend the mulasankalitas in another way too. Instead of adding higher powers of numbers, we can add mulasankalitas themselves! The सङ्कलितसङ्कलितम् is defined as the sum of mulasankalitas up to a given number
SS^{(2)}_n &= S_n + S_{n-1} + …. + 1 \\
&= n + (n-1) + (n-2) + … + 1 \\
&\quad+ (n-1) + (n-2) + … + 1 \\
&\quad+ (n-2) + … + 1 \\
&\quad … \\
&\quad + 1
We saw this triangular sum in the expression for vargasankalita, but did not explicitly name it then.
We can also define higher order sankalita-sankalitas. For example the sankalita-sankalita-sankalita
SS^{(3)}_n = SS^{(2)}_n + SS^{(2)}_{n-1} + SS^{(2)}_{n-2} + …+SS^{(2)}_1
and the general k-th order sankalita-sankalita as
SS^{(k)}_n = SS^{(k-1)}_n + S^{(k-1)}_{n-1} + S^{(k-1)}_{n-1} + … + S^{(k-1)}_{1}

Narayana Pandita (c. 1350 CE) has derived the general expression for the sankalita-sankalitas as
SS^{(2)}_n &= \frac{n.(n+1)(n+2)}{1.2.3}\\
SS^{(3)}_n &= \frac{n.(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)}{}\\
… \\
SS^{(k)}_n &= \frac{n.(n+1)….(n+k)}{1.2.3..(k+1)}

Sankalita-sankalitas for large n

By directly considering the case of large n in Narayana Pandita's formula, we can see that \(SS^{(k)}_n \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{(k+1)!} \), where ! denotes the factorial \(k! = 1.2.3..k\)

Yuktibhāṣā calculates this explicitly thus:
SS^{(2)}_n &= S_n + S_{n-1} + …. + 1 \\
&\approx \frac{n^2}{2}+ \frac{(n-1)^2}{2} + … 1 &&\text{(for large n)}\\
&= \frac{1}{2}.S^{(2)}_n \\
&= \frac{n^3}{2.3}
and works up to: \(SS^{(k)}_n \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{(k+1)!} \) for large n.

Summary of results

For large n, Yuktibhāṣā proves the following results for सङ्कलितानि:

S_n &= 1+2+3+…+n \\
&\approx \frac{n^2}{2} \\
S^{(2)}_n &= 1^2+2^2+3^2+…n^2 \\
&\approx \frac{n^3}{3} \\
… \\
S^{(k)}_n &= 1^k+2^k+3^k+…n^k \\
&\approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1} \

and also for सङ्क्लितसङ्कलितानि:‌

\( \begin{align*}
SS^{(2)}_n &\approx \frac{n^3}{6}\\
SS^{(3)}_n &\approx \frac{n^4}{24}\\
SS^{(k)}_n &\approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{(k+1)!}\
\end{align*} \)

These two sets of results are central to the results derived in Kerala Calculus. Since the idea of the large-n sankalita is a refinement of the results of Aryabhata and Naryana Pandita, this also affirms the place of Kerala Calculus in the lineage of traditional Indian Mathematics.

In the previous article, we saw how वर्गसङ्कलितम् was used to derive the Madhava Pi series. In the next article, we will see how the area of a circle, and the volume of a sphere are calculated using these.

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