The logic behind व्यासे वारिधिनिहते …

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते रूपहृते व्याससागराभिहते । 
त्रिशरादिविषमसंख्याभक्तमृणं स्वं पृथक्क्रमात् कुर्यात् ॥
from the diameter multiplied by four and divided by one
reduce and add in turn, the diameter multiplied by four, and
respectively divided by the odd numbers three, five and so on.

In the previous article in this series, we made a brief acquaintance with the Madhava series described by this verse.
\( \frac{\pi}{4} = 1 – \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} – \frac{1}{7} \)

How though, did Madhava and his successors establish this result, and the others mentioned in the article? Was this a one-off, or did they establish a sufficient body of techniques that deserve to be called Calculus?

Building up the rationale

Consider a circle inscribed in a square. What the figure above shows is the top-right quadrant, which contains a quarter of the circumference. The top point, where the circle touches the square is marked E (for “East”) and the rightmost point as S (for “South”). This follows the convention of Indian Mathematics, where figures are oriented with East towards the top and North to the left. Arcs usually start from the East and grow Northward, as we shall see in later reasoning. Here, we follow Yuktibhāṣā, which we have seen in the previous article, and look at the quadrant with the South-East corner (the अग्निकोणः)‌ as in the above figure, as the problem is symmetric.

Having marked the centre of the circle as O, and the corner of the quadrant as A (for “Agni”, as above), we draw the diagonal OA of the square. If the diameter of the circle is considered to be d, we know that the side of the quadrant would be d/2, or r, the radius. Divide the line segment EA into n equal parts, and mark the intermediate equidistant points as \( A_1, A_2 … A_{n-1} \), each of which we join to the center O. Let OA meet the circle at C, and \( OA_1, OA_2 … OA_{n-1} \) respectively meet the circle at \( C_1, C_2 … C_{n-1} \). We draw \( EB_1, C_1B_2 … C_{n-1}B_n \) perpendicular to \( OA_1, OA_2 … OA_{n-1}, OA \) . respectively. We also draw \( A_1P_2, A_2P_3 … A_{n-1}P_n \), also perpendicular to \( OA_1, OA_2 … OA_{n-1}, OA \) respectively.

Arc ES is a quarter of the circle, and Arc EC is therefore an eighth part of the circumference. \( EC = EC_1 + C_1C_2 + … C_{n-1}C\) . If we can approximate the arcs \( C_{k-1}C_k \), we can approximate the circumference. But how do we do that?

A Brief Excursion into Indian Trigonometry

Consider the arc CS, centred at O. OC = r is a radius. CB is perpendicular to OS. We take angle COB as \(\theta\). In terms of modern trigonometry,
\( sin(\theta) = \frac{CB}{OC}\),
\(cos(\theta) = \frac{OB}{OC}\), and
\(tan(\theta) = \frac{CB}{OB}\).
Indian “trigonometry”, or more accurately, “circleometry” refers to the half-chord CB as the jyā (“bowstring”) or bhuja (“arm”) of arc CS, and OB as the kotijyā (“pointed bowstring”), and BS as the utkramajyā or śara (“arrow”). OC, the radius is the karṇa. Strictly, it is the arc, not the angle that is the independent variable. However, circles are considered to be 21600′ in circumference by convention, which converts the arc into what we would now call an angle. Most calculations can be done in these units, until we need to convert into units of real length, when we use the “rule of three” (त्रैराशिकम्)‌ – or the principle of proportionality. The familiar relation
\( sin^2(\theta) + cos^2(\theta) = 1 \)
becomes the jyā-koti-karṇa-nyāya (ज्याकोटिकर्णन्याय:)
\( jyā^2 + koti^2 = karṇa^2 \)

Each of the karṇas \( OA_i = k_i \) are determined by the jyā-koti-karṇa-nyāya as \( k_i^2 = OE^2 + EA_i^2 = r^2 + (\frac{ir}{n})^2\)

We approximate the arcs with their jyās, and say
\begin{align*} EC &= EC_1 + C_1C_2 + … C_{n-1}C \\
&\approx EB_1 + C_1B_2 + … C_{n-1}N_n

Triangle \( A_1OE\) can be seen to be similar to Triangle \( A_1EB_1\) and hence \( \frac{EB_1}{EA_1} = \frac{OE}{OA_1}\)
and hence,
\( EB_1 = (\frac{r}{n})\frac{r}{k_1} \)

Illustrating similarity

Image from Thampuran and Iyer, 1948.

To describe the same figure we are looking at, Yuktibhāṣā uses a very interesting analogy, which may be accessible to those who have seen traditional Kerala Architecture. Consider the roof-frame of a rectangular building, with frame-rods (കഴുക്കോല്). The connector-rod (വള) enters the first (straight) frame-rod perpendicularly, but enters other frame-rods, which are at an angle to the original straight one, at an angle to the perpendicular. To make the point about similarity of triangles \( A_1OE\) and \(A_1EB_1\) , Yuktibhāṣā points out that the frame-rods are analogous to \(OA_i\) and the connector rod analogous to \(EA_i\). By a parallel arms argument, the angle between the connecting rod and the perpendicular to a frame-rod must be the same as the angle between the frame-rod and the “straight” frame rod.

We can compute further jyās \(C_1B_2\) thus, using similarity arguments similar to the above:
\( \frac{OE}{OA_2} = \frac{A_1P_2}{A_1A_2}\)
\( \frac{r}{k_2} = \frac{A_1P_2}{\frac{r}{n}}\)
\( \frac{C_1B_2}{OC_1} = \frac{A_1P_2}{OA_1}\)
\( \frac{C_1B_2}{r} = \frac{A_1P_2}{k_1}\)
and hence
\( C_1B_2 = (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_1.k_2})\)

\( \begin{align*}
EC &\approx EC_1 + C_1C_2 + … C_iC_{i+1} + … + C_{n-1}C \\
&= (\frac{r}{n})\frac{r}{k_1} + (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_1.k_2}) + … + (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_i.k_{i+1}}) + … (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}.k_n}) \\
&= (\frac{r}{n})\frac{r^2}{k_0k_1} + (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_1.k_2}) + … + (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_i.k_{i+1}}) + … (\frac{r}{n}).(\frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}.k_n}) \end{align*}\)
since \(k_0 = r\)
This is a formidable equation, but can be simplified further with an approximation. Before we go there, we note that Yuktibhāṣā points out that the approximate equality above tends to a full equality when the number of segments (ie n) increases, and each segment is very small.


Yuktibhāṣā notes here that the divisor is rather inconvenient (ഹാരകന്നാനുരൂപം – हारकन्नानुरूपम्) and proposes a simplification
\( \frac{1}{k_i.k_{i+1}} \approx (\frac{1}{2}) (\frac{1}{k_i^2}+\frac{1}{k_{i+1}^2})\)
which is justified by the argument that two adjacent \( k_i \) will tend to each other.
Thus, we have:
\( EC \approx \frac{r}{n}. (\frac{1}{2}).(\frac{r^2}{k_0^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_1^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_1^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_2^2}+ … +\frac{r^2}{k_{n-2}^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}^2} + \frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_n^2}) \)
One more minor asymmetry remains, which an also be approximated away at large n
\( k_n = \sqrt{2}.k_0\)
We note that both of these appear only once in the expression, unlike others which appear twice. At the cost of an error \(\frac{r}{4.n}\) which vanishes for large n, we replace one instance of \(k_0\) with \(k_n\).
\( EC \approx \frac{r}{n}. (\frac{r^2}{k_1^2}+ … \frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_n^2})\)
Now we have a nice and symmetric expression, and more importantly, one that can be summed with the Sankalita technique known since Aryabhata, and improved by Narayana Pandita, combined with a nice sleight-of-hand, called shodyaphala (शेध्यफलम्).


If we have an expression \(a.\frac{b}{c}\), where c is an inconvenient divisor, but b isn't, we can convert this into a series using this trick.
First, we note that \(a.\frac{b}{c} = a – a.\frac{c-b}{c}\),
now, using the same trick on \(\frac{c-b}{c} = \frac{c-b}{b} – \frac{c-b}{b}\frac{c-b}{c}\) repeatedly,
\(a.\frac{b}{c} = a – a.\frac{c-b}{b}+a.(\frac{c-b}{b})^2 – … + (-1)^m.a.(\frac{c-b}{b})^{m-1}.\frac{c-b}{c} \),
If c-b is less than c, the final term will eventually be negligible. We have elimnated an incovenient divisor, at the cost of converting a single term into an infinite series.

Noting that \(k_i\) is an inconvenient denominator, and applying shodyaphala and the expression \(k_i^2 = r^2+(\frac{i.r}{n})^2\) for a single term in the series, we get
\( \frac{r}{n}. \frac{r^2}{k_i^2} = \frac{r}{n} – \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{ir}{n})^2}{r^2}+\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{ir}{n})^3}{r^3}- …\)
Writing out the entire series this way (this is elaborate, but spare a thought for those working this out before 1400CE!):
\( \begin{align*}
EC &\approx (\frac{r}{n} – \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^2}{r^2}+\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^4}{r^4}- …) \\
&\quad-(\frac{r}{n} – \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{2r}{n})^2}{r^2}+\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{2r}{n})^4}{r^4}- …) \\
&\quad+(\frac{r}{n} – \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{3r}{n})^2}{r^2}+\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{3r}{n})^4}{r^4}- …) \\
&\quad… \\
&\quad-(\frac{r}{n} – \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{nr}{n})^2}{r^2}+\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{nr}{n})^4}{r^4}- …)
Each line in the above equation corresponds to one term in \( EC \approx \frac{r}{n}. (\frac{r^2}{k_1^2}+ … \frac{r^2}{k_{n-1}^2}+\frac{r^2}{k_n^2})\)

Now we group similar powers, and rewrite as
EC &\approx \frac{r}{n} (1+1+ …+1) \\
&\quad- \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^2}{r^2} (1^2 + 2^2 + … n^2) \\
&\quad+ \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^4}{r^4} (1^4 + 2^4 + … n^4) \\
&\quad- \frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^6}{r^6} (1^6 + 2^6 + … n^6) \\
&\quad …
Whereas we formerly had a finite number of terms (n), but with infinite length, we now have an infinite number of terms with finite length (n) – not that it makes a difference, since we want to make n very large anyway. We are now ready to use sankalita (सङ्कलितम्)‌ compact these terms

Sankalita – Summation of series.

Aryabhata shows how to compute finite sums,
1+2+…n&=\frac{n.(n+1)}{2} &\text{(sankalita)}\\
1^2+2^2+…n^2&=\frac{n.(n+1)(2n+1)}{6} &\text{(vargasankalita)}\\
1^3+2^3+…n^3&=(\frac{n.(n+1)}{2})^2 &\text{(ghanasankalita)}
He also shows how to compute

This was later extended by Narayana Pandita (~1350CE) to show the general kth-order sum-of-sums of n integers as
\(\begin{align*}SS^{(k)}_n &= SS^{(k-1)}_1+SS^{(k-1)}_2…+SS^{(k-1)}_n \\
&= \frac{n(n+1)..(n+k)}{1.2…(k+1)}\end{align*}\)
(Superscript indicates order, not exponentiation)

We will see a lot more of this in later articles, as this is the basis of all Kerala School Calculus.

Yuktibhāṣā notes the following for the power-series sum (समघातसङ्कलितम्) of segments of a fixed length divided into n very small parts
\((1^k+2^k…+n^k) \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1} \)

This is shown by geometrical arguments relating the (k-1)th such power sum with the kth one, and noting that the pieces are atomic (अणुपरिमितम्). We shall explore this further in a later article. For now, we note that this is the analog to integration in the Kerala School.

Using the sama-ghata-sankalita approximation for small units
\( (1^k+2^k…+n^k) \approx \frac{n^{k+1}}{k+1} \), we have
EC \approx \frac{r}{n} (1+1+ …+1) – \\
\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^2}{r^2} (1^2 + 2^2 + … n^2) + \\
\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^4}{r^4} (1^4 + 2^4 + … n^4) – \\
\frac{r}{n}\frac{(\frac{r}{n})^6}{r^6} (1^6 + 2^6 + … n^6) + \\
\approx r – \frac{r}{3} + \frac{r}{5} – \frac{r}{7} + …
Now since EC is an eighth of the circumference C
\( \frac{C}{8} = r – \frac{r}{3} + \frac{r}{5} – \frac{r}{7} + … \\
C = 4.d – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7} + …\) (using d = 2.r)
and therefore,
\( \frac{\pi}{4} = 1 – \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} – \frac{1}{7} \)
Which is the verse व्यासे वारिधिनिहते

In Conclusion

Examining Yuktibhāṣā's argument, we can see the Kerala School built their Calculus around the ideas of

  • Sankalita of small units
  • Shodyaphala to get rid of inconvienient denominators in sums
  • Approximations of sums by dropping insignificant terms.

We shall see a lot more of this in further articles as we examine further refinements of this series, and series for trigonometric functions, and dive into some of the mathematics in more detail.

It All Started with a Single Word – The Search for Pi and the birth of Indian Calculus in the 1400s CE

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते रूपहृते व्याससागराभिहते । 
त्रिशरादिविषमसंख्याभक्तमृणं स्वं पृथक्क्रमात् कुर्यात् ॥
from the diameter multiplied by four and divided by one
reduce and add in turn, the diameter multiplied by four, and
respectively divided by the odd numbers three, five and so on.

This is an interesting Sanskrit verse, relating the circumference and diameter of a circle, found in an equally interesting Mathematical work in Malayalam called Yuktibhāṣā (യുക്തിഭാഷാ – loosely translated as “Proofs in common language”), attributed to the mathematician-astronomer Jyeṣṭhadeva who lived in Kerala, India in the early 1500s CE.

The verse itself is attributed to “Madhava”. The same verse turns up in at least one other work of similar age, and is attributed to Madhava again. It turns out that Madhava was the founder, or early leading light in a school of mathematical astronomers who flourished in Kerala from the 1300s (or possibly earlier) all the way to the 1800s CE.

The same computation – an infinite series for \( \pi \) in modern terms – was rediscovered in Europe in the mid 17th Century – nearly 300 years later than Madhava and 150 years later than Yuktibhāṣā – by Gottfried Leibniz, and was known after him until broader recognition of the contributions of Madhava and his successors kicked in recently.

To understand this verse, the school that created it, and their motivations, we must go back in time a bit, to their inspiration – Aryabhata.

Aryabhata – where it all began

Statue depicting Aryabhata in IUCAA, Pune, India

Āryabhaṭa (आर्यभटः)‌ lived in Kusumapura, also called, Pataliputra (modern Patna), around 500CE . His only surviving work, Āryabhaṭīyaṃ (आर्यभटीयम्), is a full statement of the Indian astronomical framework, including all mathematics required for it, in a surprisingly concise set of 121 verses. Because of such brevity, it is mostly understood through commentaries (भाष्यम्), most famously of his student Bhaskara I (the numeral added to distinguish him from the more illustrious Bhaskaracharya half a century later). Other commentaries exist, most relevantly the आर्यभटीयभाष्यम् of Nilakantha Somayaji (whom we will meet later), which refers to many of Madhava's improvements.

The tenth verse of the second chapter (Ganitapada) of Āryabhaṭīyaṃ is thus:

 चतुरधिकं शतमष्टगुणं द्वाषष्टिस्तथा सहस्राणाम्
अयुतद्वयविष्कम्भकस्यासन्नो वृत्तपरिणाहः ।।
Of a circle with diameter 2000, the circumference is approximately
 four plus hundred multiplied by eight, and added to 62,000 (=62,832)

The word आसन्न (approximately) has always been considered to be relevant in the commentarial tradition. Bhaskara I says “आसन्नपरिधिः कस्मादुच्यते, न पुनः स्पुटपरिधिरेवोच्यते?‌ एवं‌ मन्यन्ते – स उपाय एव नास्ति येन सूक्ष्मपरिधिरानीयते” (Why is the approximate circumference explained, why not the exact one? It is understood that there exists no means of calculating a precise circumference). Thus, the Aryabhatan tradition held that

  1. The value of the circumference of a circle of diameter 10000 is approximately 31416
  2. There is no way to calculate a precise value

This does not, of course, preclude finding better approximations, and likely spurred the search for improvements.

Bhaskaracharya – Rough approximation for common use

Bhāskara (c. 1114–1185), commonly called Bhāskarācārya (“Bhāskara, the teacher”) in Indian texts and Bhaskara II in English texts to distinguish himself from his namesake, is most famous as the author of Līlāvatī, probably the most famous arithmetic text in India. He also composed Bījagaṇita (a text on algebra), and Grahagaṇita and Golādhyāya on astronomy.

व्यासे भनन्दाग्निहते विभक्ते खबाणसूर्यैः परिधिः स सूक्ष्मः । 
द्वाविंशतिघ्ने विहृतेऽथ शैलैः स्थूलोऽथवा स्याद् व्यवहारयोग्यः ।।
The diameter multiplied by 3927, and divided by 1250 
yields the circumference. Multiplied by 22 and divided by 7 
yields the rough circumference for common use

Bhāskarācārya does not seem to have been a fan of greater precision in this regard. 3927/1250 = 3.1416, which is the same as Aryabhata's estimate. 22/7 is less accurate, but is good enough for regular use, as schoolchildren know.

The Kerala School

The Kerala school flourished barely three centuries after Bhāskarācārya, compared to the seven that separate him with Āryabhaṭa. There were prior notable figures in this lineage, such as Vararuci, who was a contemporary of Āryabhaṭa and originator of the Katapayadi (कटपयादि) system, and Sankaranarayana , who lived in the 800s CE, and was a reputed astronomer and commentator or the work of Bhaskara 1. However, nothing much is known of other figures in between them and Madhava of Sangamagrama. That they are undoubtedly connected to Vararuci and Sankaranarayana is evidenced by their common use of the Katapayadi system to encode numbers in Sanskrit, unlike Aryabhata's unique syllabic encoding or the bhutasankhya method favoured by other Indian mathematicians.

Iriññāttappiḷḷi Mādhavan Nampūtiri (ഇരിഞ്ഞാറ്റപ്പിള്ളി മാധവൻ നമ്പൂതിരി), commonly referred to in English as Madhava of Sangamagrama can be legitimately considered the founder of the school. The innovations that his student lineage attribute to him are truly exceptional, and evidently sparked a period of innovation that spanned several generations of his student lineage.

Lineage of The Kerala School of Mathematics

Perhaps the most illustrious member of this lineage after Madhava himself, and definitely one whose work we have the most knowledge about is Nilakantha Somayaji, author of the Sanskrit work तन्त्रसङ्ग्रहः (Tantrasangraha – “Concise Theory”) that describes the high point of Indian Mathematical Astronomy, and contained very significant improvements in Aryabhata's astronomical model, just as Madhava had improved the mathematics underlying the model.

The leading lights, Madhava, as well as Nilakantha Somayaji are marked by a deep understanding of the work of Āryabhaṭa, plus the curiosity and inventiveness to substantially improve on it.

Beyond these two, the most important is Jyeṣṭhadeva, the author of Yuktibhāṣā, which is valuable as a very detailed expostion of the logic behind the innovations of Madhava and Nilakantha, which allow us to demonstrate exactly how the mathematics behind the verse at the beginning of this article was arrived at.

Indian texts on mathematical topics are divided into tantra and upapatti/yukti categories. tantra texts present the theory in a terse and memorizable form. The commentaries on them (bhāṣya) often contained explanations and rationale. The various commentaries on Āryabhaṭīyaṃ and Līlāvatī are studied along with the texts themselves, without which the texts are understandably not easy to grasp.

Yuktibhāṣā is unique in that it is a yukti text that is only loosely associated with a tantra text. It is intended to explain the details of the yukti behind Tantrasangraha, but is organized independently, and can be studied as an independent text. This is of help when we wish to treat the mathematics and the Astronomy of the Kerala school separately, which is complicated to do in the context of a work like Tantrasangraha, which is organized as an Astronomical text which dives into mathematics as and when required from context. Also unusually, Yuktibhāṣā is written in Malayalam, not Sanskrit. The language is recognizable to a modern speaker, but is not easy to follow without the benefit of tradition.

Luckily for us, an exposition in more modern Malayalam, with explanations in modern mathematical notation was published in 1948, by Rama Varma Thampuran and A.R. Akhileshwara Iyer. Also available, is an English translation by K.V. Sarma, with explanatory notes by Professors K Ramasubramanian, M D Srinivas and M S Sriram, published in 2008.

Why did they need more accurate values of Pi?

The answer was, as the reader may have guessed, Astronomy. The Kerala school specialized in increasingly precise astronomical calculations, and while Aryabhata's approximation was good enough for all earthly purposes, there were heavenly ones it was becoming increasingly clear that it wasn't sufficiently accurate for. A thousand years had passed, and small errors were now seen in greater magnification.

Madhava and his successors refined both Aryabhata's mathematics and his astronomical model in the search for better accuracy over a longer period. Nilakantha Somayaji even created a semi-heliocentric model of the universe, similar to the later model of Tycho Brahe, to improve on the accuracy of Aryabhata's geocentric-epicyclic-model. Small wonder then, that they sought to squeeze out accuracy wherever they could, including with better computations of circumference and what we now call trigonometric functions.

Back to the verse …

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते रूपहृते व्याससागराभिहते । 
त्रिशरादिविषमसंख्याभक्तमृणं स्वं पृथक्क्रमात् कुर्यात् ॥

In modern mathematical notation: for a circle with diameter d and circumference C,
\( C = \frac{4.d}{1} – \frac{4.d}{3} + \frac{4.d}{5} – \frac{4.d}{7}… \)
or equivalently,

\( \frac{\pi}{4} = 1 – \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} – \frac{1}{7} … \)

Presto, we now have the value of the circumference, known to be impossible to calculate exactly, to any degree of accuracy we desire. We would never reach the far shores of \( \pi \) , but get as close as we need to, with sufficient effort.

A reader with some knowledge of Sanskrit would naturally ask – why does वारिधिः / सागरम् (“ocean”) mean four in this verse? Why does शरः (“arrow”) mean five?
There are many encodings of numerals in Sanskrit verse, and this is one of them, called Bhūtasaṃkhyā, which encodes numbers by the names of common objects associated with them. The Kerala school used it only for short numbers, and preferred to use Katapayadi for longer ones, which we will see later.
Also, how was this idea of a non-terminating series and this one, in particular, derived? Surely, it wasn't pulled out of thin air, or transmitted by an alien civilization?
We will see in later posts that

  • There was a sound mathematical rationale for this, which built upon work by earlier mathematicians in India, particularly Aryabhata and Narayana Pandita and their work on series summation.
  • The way the idea of a limit and the fuzzy idea of an “infinitesmal” were approached was quite different.
  • There was much more to the mathematics of the Kerala school than this one series.

For example, we will see other series that converge more rapidly, that were derived systematically from the series we have already seen:

 व्यासाद्वारिधिनिहतात्पृथगाप्तं त्र्याद्ययुग्विमूलघनैः
त्रिघ्नव्यासे स्वमृणं क्रमशः कृत्वा परिधिरानेयः ||
\( C = 3.d + 4.d . (\frac{1}{(3^3-3)} – \frac{1}{(5^3-5)} + \frac{1}{(7^3-7)} ….) \)


\( \pi = 3 + 4. (\frac{1}{(3^3-3)} – \frac{1}{(5^3-5)} + \frac{1}{(7^3-7)} ….) \)
समपञ्चाहतयो या रुपाद्ययुजां चतुर्घ्नमूलयुताः 
ताभिः षोडशगुणितात्पृथगाहृतेषु विषमयुते
समफलयुतिमपहाय स्यादिष्टव्याससंभवः परिधिः 
\( C = 16.d . (\frac{1}{(1^5+4.1)} – \frac{1}{(3^5+4.3)} + \frac{1}{(5^5+4.5)} – \frac{1}{(7^5+4.7)} ….) \)


\( \pi = 16 . (\frac{1}{(1^5+4.1)} – \frac{1}{(3^5+4.3)} + \frac{1}{(5^5+4.5)} – \frac{1}{(7^5+4.7)} ….) \)

We will see similar series for what we now call trigonometric functions, but were understood in India since Aryabhata in terms of half-chords of arcs (ज्या). We will see surface area and volume integrals similar to what high-school textbooks show today, and even a line integral, which turns up earlier than we'd expect, but all using terminology and mathematical techniques that are unfamiliar to a reader educated in modern mathematical language.

And therefore, it would only be fair to start the next post in this series with a backgrounder on mathematics – arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry – as Madhava and successors saw it.

Moving from Lunisolar to Solar Calendars

Most states in India follow some version of a lunisolar calendar. Those that settled on their calendar relatively late, like Kerala, tend to have solar calendars.

So, what is a solar calendar, and how is it different from a lunisolar one?

Solar Years

The progress of seasons are a good way to tell time. One good way to define a solar year is to use the Sun's position in the cycle of seasons, as we see it from Earth. The Spring Equinox, when day isequal in length to night is one possible point of reference. The mean “Tropical Year”, as this is called, is approximately 365.2422 days long.

Image via

This leads to the well known Gregorian Calendar, with 365 days, a leap day once in four years (+0.25), minus a leap day once in 100 years (-0.01) plus a leap day every 400 years (+0.0025)

In the Gregorian calendar, the familiar month lengths are arbitrary.

Sidereal Years

An alternate way of tracking solar years is to look at the Sun's transit on the background of fixed stars, as we see it from Earth. As seen from the Earth, a year later, the position of the Sun should be the same. This measurement results in what is known as a “Sidereal Year”.

Would this be identical to the “Tropical Year” ? Unfortunately, not quite. The Earth's axis is tilted 23 degrees to the plane of its orbit around the sun, as we learn in school.

Now think of what happens if a top spins at a non vertical angle? Yes, and the Earth's axis does the same!

This results in an astronomical phenomenon known as “precession of the equinoxes”. In a period of 26000 years, the position of the Sun at Spring Equinox undergoes a full cycle on the background of fixed stars. As a result of this phenomenon, each Sidereal Year is longer than the Tropical Year by 20 minutes. This seems like a short time, but can add up to substantial differences over centuries.

Indian Solar Calendar

Indian solar calendars are Sidereal, and start with the Sun moving into the “first point of Aries” — the beginning of the constellation मेष. Thus, the Solar New Year (Vishu, for example) coincides with this transit.

In the Kerala version of the solar calendar, the solar months— मेष, वृषभ, मिथुन, कटक, सिंह, कन्या, वृश्चिक, धनु, मकर, कुम्भ, मीन — are named after constellations, unlike the lunisolar month names. Some other solar calendars use the lunisolar month names as they are.  The path of the sun on the background of stars is divided into 12 equal parts, and each part is named after a constellation, making all of them the same width in the sky.

This does not, however, imply that the months are of equal length. The earth's orbital speed changes depending on where it is in its orbit, as Kepler proved. This makes months where the Earth is near perihelion shorter.

Years and month lengths are self-aligning, since they are derived from orbital calculations, and therefore do not require mechanical corrections by adding or subtracting days as in the Gregorian year. However, the Sidereal and Tropical years slowly diverge thanks to precession.

Some states known to use a Sidereal Solar Calendar are Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Bengal, Tripura and Assam.

Alignment between Lunisolar and Solar months

Since शुद्ध lunisolar months require a solar transit, this results in self-alignment without specific correction between the solar and lunisolar years, with their start points being off by a maximum of the length of a lunar month.

Solar calendars do not require intercalary month additions, which makes them a bit easier to follow than lunisolar ones.

Marking days

While lunisolar calendars mark days names with moon phases (तिथि), solar calendars mark day names with the नक्षत्र‌ (asterism) near the moon. This leads to minor divergences in birthdays for those who follow different calendars.

Major festivals in the solar calendar

  1. Solar New Year (Vishu, Tamil New Year, Vaisakhi, Bengali New Year etc.). These are marked by the transit of the Sun into मेष(Aries).
  2. Makara Sankranti. Marked by thte transit of the Sun into मकर (Capricorn)
  3. Onam: full moon of the सिंह month. Technically, the Malayalam (Kollam) calendar begins with this month, not मेष, but new year rituals are still performed on Vishu.

States that have Solar calendars tend to have some festivals on different days from those that follow lunisolar calendars. Most parts of India celebrate Janmashtami on the अष्टमी (eighth day) of कृष्णपक्ष (the dark half) of the भाद्रपद (bhaadrapada) month. Kerala and TN celebrate the same festival in the month of siMha when the moon is near रोहिणी (Rohini).

Since the Sidereal and Tropical years diverge by 20 minutes each year, festivals like Baisakhi/Vishu slowly drift to later dates in the Gregorian calendar over centuries. Spring Equinox happens around March 21st, and the Indian Solar New Year is on April 14th in 2017, three weeks later.

How to make a lunisolar calendar

Trying to make sense of the various “New Year” celebrations and calendars in India is quite a fun task.

India has two different kinds of calendars, broadly described as “lunisolar” (चान्द्रमान) and “solar” (सौरमान). Evidence from the Vedas indicates that a lunisolar calendar of the full-moon (पूर्णिमान्त) variety (which we shall see in a later section) was followed in those times. Today, we see a variety of calendars and variants followed in various states

Adapted from:

As we can see, there are two major divisions of calendars into lunisolar and solar, plus variants of each kind.

To understand some of these differences, let's try to analyze the Indian Lunisolar calendar bottom-up.

Starting from zero

Calendars require definitions of days, months, and years.

The first thing you need for a calendar, is some sort of measure for a day. That's fairly easy to do, since the sun rises and sets once a day. Modern reckoning starts a day from midnight, but Indian calculations count a day from sunrise till the next sunrise.


Next, we need a way to define a “month”. Looking up at the night sky, we can't fail to notice the changing phases of the moon, which gives us a convenient month measure.

Image from Wikipedia

A lunar month can be counted from new moon to new moon, or from full moon to full moon. Various Indian calendars do both. The new-moon (अमान्त)‌ calendars, as the name would suggest, end a month on a new-moon day, and start the next month on the day following a new moon. Full-moon (पूर्णिमान्त)‌ calendars, which are the older variants, start a month from the day following a full moon and end it at the next full moon. A glance at the graphic earlier in this post will reveal that southern and western states of India tend to follow the new-moon (अमान्त)‌ system, while the northern states follow the full-moon (पूर्णिमान्त) ‌system.

The period between two full (or new) moons, called the sun-synodic period of the moon, is 29.53 days on an average. Since the earth orbits the sun in an elipse, with slightly varying angular velocity (faster near perihelion), and the moon follows a similar pattern in its orbit around the earth, the sun-synodic period of the moon can vary between 29.18 to 29.93 days. Ancient astronomers in Greece and India had very good ways of calculating the apparent orbit of the moon, and could predict the phases of the moon reasonably accurately, making it a convenient month marker that could be calculated in advance.


The cyclic rhythm of the seasons gives us a way to define years. There are six seasons (ऋतुः sing., ऋतवः ‌pl.) n India: spring (वसन्त), summer (ग्रीष्म)‌, rains (वर्षा)‌, clear (शरद्), pre-winter (हेमन्त) and winter (शिशिर). Years can be reckoned from annual events (such as the equinoxes — when days and nights are of equal lengths), but it is more convenient in a lunisolar calendar to match the beginnings of years from lunar month boundaries.

The path of the sun across the sky (technically, the earth around the sun) as seen in front of the the background of the stars is called the zodiac (‌‌राशिचक्र) . Indian astronomers could calculate this to good precision as well, allowing them to predict the path of the sun as seen in the sky. The mean solar year was calculated to be approximately 365.24 mean solar days.

Naming the months

In a solar calendar, the usual practice is to name months after the constellation (राशि) in the zodiac (‌‌राशिचक्र) that the sun passes through in that month. The transit of the sun into a constellation (called सङ्क्रमण)‌ marks a new month.

Image from

In an new-moon (अमान्त) lunisolar calendar, a month begins after a new moon, and is named after the asterism (नक्षत्र)‌ associated with the next full moon, which depends on the position of the sun, and hence the equivalent solar month. A full-moon (पूर्णिमान्त) calendar month starts a fortnight before the corresponding अमान्त month. We assume the अमान्त system below unless specified.

  1. Chaitra (चैत्र)‌: The first lunar month of the year, starts after the new moon preceeding the sun's transit into मेष (Aries)
  2. Vaishaakha (वैशाख) : The second lunar month, starts after the new moon preceding the solar transit into वृषभ (Taurus)
  3. Jyeshtha (ज्येष्ठ): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into मिथुन (Gemini)
  4. Aashaadha (आषाढ़): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into कर्क (Cancer)
  5. Sraavana (श्रावण): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into सिंह (Leo)
  6. Bhaadrapada (भाद्रपद): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into कन्या (Virgo)
  7. Aasvina (आश्विन): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into तुला (Libra)
  8. Kaartika (कार्तिक): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into वृश्चिक (Scorpio)
  9. Maargashiirsha (मार्गशीष): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into धनुस् (Sagittarius)
  10. Pausha (पौष): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into मकर (Capricorn)
  11. Maagha (माघ): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into कुम्भ (Aquarius)
  12. Phaalguna (फाल्गुन): Starts after the new moon preceding the transit into मीन (Pisces)

The point of this unusual association of lunar month names with solar transits will become clear soon.

The catch

We now have a year with twelve months, and all should be well, but for a small catch: twelve mean lunar months (29.54 * 12 = 354.36) are about 11 days short of a mean solar year (365.24 days). This would mean that the association between lunar months and solar transits would slowly go out of synchronization.

Other cultures that have lunar calendars solve this problem by intercalation — the occasional insertion of extra (leap or intercalary) months. The Jewish calendar follows a Metonic Cycle where years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 of a 19 year cycle are 13 month years.

The Indian Lunisolar Calendar avoids fixed schemes of intercalation like the Metonic cycle. It includes an ingenious self-aligning intercalation system that is based on the association between Lunar month names and solar transits. As the cycle of 12 lunar months goes out of synchronization with the mean solar year, lunar months appear with no solar transits between two new moons, which are automatically designated extra (अधिक) months.

Image from

For example if the lunar month after चैत्र does not have a solar transit in it (which means the transit occurs in the month after that), both months can claim the name वैशाख. The first such month becomes अधिकवैशाख, and the second शुद्ध वैशाख. Relgious festivals, birthdays and such are not celebrated in the extra (अधिक) month, but in the following शुद्ध month.

This automatically keeps lunar months in sync with their solar counterparts.

Lost Months

While this intercalation scheme is ingenious, and self-correcting (think about it), it comes with a minor disadvantage — that of the occasional lost (क्षय)‌ month. Since the earth's angular velocity around the sun is higher near perihelion, the “short” solar months of धनुस् (Sagittarius), मकर (Capricorn), and कुम्भ (Aquarius) , corresponding to मार्गशीर्ष, पौष, or माघ may be completely contained in a long lunar month, leading to two solar transits in a lunar month, one of which would then have to be “lost”.

Image from

Interestingly, this can only occur when there are months with no solar transits (अधिक) on both sides of such a two-transit (क्षय)‌ month. Different variants of the Indian calendar treat this situation slightly differently

  1. In the Eastern calendars, the first अधिक month is treated as अधिक, the क्षय month is named after the first transit, and the following month is treated as a शुद्ध month named after the second transit in the क्षय month
  2. In the Northwestern calendrical tradition, the reverse is done. The first अधिक month is treated as a शुद्ध month named after the first transit, the क्षय is named after the second transit, and the third month is treated as an अधिक month
  3. In the Southern calendars, the क्षय month is called युग्म (dual), and is treated as being both the transits it has claim to. Months on both sides are considered अधिक months.

Putting it Together

We built up the Indian Lunisolar Calendar system thus:

  • We have months based on phases of the moon, ending on new moon (अमान्त) or full moon (पुर्णिमान्त)‌.
  • There are twelve lunar months, from चैत्र (chaitra) to फाल्गुन (phaalguna), synchronized with the solar transits that occur in them.
  • Months are divided into Dark (कृष्ण)‌ and Light (शुक्ल)‌ fortnights (पक्ष), which Amanta and Purnimanta months start with respectively.
  • If a lunar month does not contain a solar transit, it automatically becomes an extra (अधिक) month. This takes care of the problem of intercalation without the need for a mechanical procedure like the Metonic Cycle.
  • If a lunar month contains two solar transits (rare), it becomes a lost (क्षय)‌ month. Treatment of such a month is different in Northwest, Eastern and Southern calendar traditions.

Festival Days

Now we approach the question that puzzles many an Indian:

Most festival days in India are determined by the Amanta calendar (even in regions which follow Purnimanta). For example:

  1. Maha Siva Ratri — 14th day of Maagha Krishna Paksha (माघ कृष्णपक्ष १४), and the preceding night.
  2. Holi — Phaalguna Purnima (फाल्गुन पूर्णिमा)‌, the full moon day in the Phaalguna month
  3. New Year/Ugaadi — (चैत्र शुक्लपक्ष १) Chaitra Shukla Paksha 1 (Note — in Purnimanta calendars, Ugaadi doesn't coincide with the beginning of the year!)
  4. Buddha Purnima — Vaishaakha Purnima (वैशाख पूर्णिमा)
  5. Ganesha Chaturthi — Bhaadrapada Shukla Paksha 4 (भाद्रपद शुक्ल पक्ष ४)
  6. Mahanavami — Aashvina Shukla Paksha 9 (आश्विन शुक्ल पक्ष ९)
  7. Deepavali — Aashvina new moon (आश्विन अमावास्य)

Gujarat is a bit of an outlier as their New Year goes — they follow an Amanta lunisolar calendar, but start their year from Kaartika 1 or Aashaadha S 1 depending on which part of the state you look at.


Calendars usually start from a fixed (often legendary) event so as to be able to assign a sequential number to each year. Indian calendars follow two popular start points — Vikrama Samvat (57 BCE) and Shalivahana (Saka) Samvat (78 CE). Most of Northern India follows the former, while Southern India follows the latter. 2017 CE (post Ugadi) is therefore 2074 VS and 1939 SS.

Solar Calendars

What about states that follow Solar Calendars? More about them, Festivals tuned to the Solar Calendar (such as Vishu or Onam), and the tricky issue of Sidereal vs. Tropical calendars, or why the Vernal Equinox doesn't happen when you think it should in a later article, most likely around Solar New Year!

Happy Ugadi for VS 2074, or SS 1939!

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